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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Picked up almost 1/4" this morning. Maybe some more action this afternoon?
  2. Just got back from a car show with my dad. It was super pleasant with mostly clouds and low 80's. Why can't the Kutztown Folk Festival ever have weather like this?? LOL
  3. Northern DE getting absolutely hammered with lightning. It's kinda scary looking on screen:
  4. The one over SW Chester Co. just fizzled, and it looks like I'm going to get bypassed by that bigger storm. Rats.
  5. The one on the Mason Dixon line certainly picked up in intensity over the past half hour. These are really slow-moving storms; I expect my parents down in Oxford are hearing non-stop rumbling right about now.
  6. That cell over Harrisburg looks like it might could drop some hail...
  7. It hasn't been below 70°F since Monday morning. Looks like it might start heating back up again though, so def enjoying this while it lasts. Got some free skywater finally.
  8. Mostly missing me too at the moment, if you can believe it. I'm hoping it fills in over Reading at least.
  9. If it could just stop being 90° for today...
  10. Ooph. Been there and done that--it seemed my power would go out in Thorndale at the merest whiff of a breeze. It got to be so bad that I bought a genny and some seriously thick extension cords to run our fridge, freezer and a portable A/C (fridge needed to be run for insulin, and my mother-in-law would melt if we didn't have A/C). How many apartment dwellers do you know that need to keep a spare backup generator on hand! Anyway, after the disastrous outages of the summer of 2016, we only ended up using it one time; the power was out for just long enough for me to set everything up and run the extension cords. Oh well, better to have and not need then to need and not have, and all that. Anyway, hope it comes back on soon for you, or at least before tomorrow's heat. This is what, the 3rd or 4th heat wave this year? I've lost count and it's only the first week of July, sheesh.
  11. The storms over NYC have an awesome radar presentation. Kinda glad that missed us, if I'm honest. Check out the outflow boundary!
  12. Severe t-storm watch just went up: EDIT: Hurricane Agnes beat me to it.
  13. I've been waiting for the big, puffy cumulous clouds to form as it's been extremely clear all morning. I am just now seeing them creeping over the horizon to the NW.
  14. Yep. So glad I'm not working outside this week.
  15. I think I'm on track to break 90 again today...
  16. Interesting! I heard one this morning as well. Just the one time, and then I haven't heard it since. Maybe it's just one guy, making the rounds lol.
  17. Beautiful partly cloudy, 80°F and breezy, though just a little on the humid side. Dug in half-a-dozen plants and mowed the front (the back is still shaded, and therefore still soaking wet). Now I'm drenched and finished with yardwork for today.
  18. Much better, thank you! Everything else looks pretty nice as well.
  19. They also mostly fixed the "whitespace" issue. Ended up with .96" of rain today! I think we're about done though. Nice, lazy day full of thunderstorms. Can we please have more like this!
  20. I think it would be ok if it was more often than just one huge BOOM every once in a while. I'd hate to have actual PTSD right now. That said, I have a whole big-a$$ box of fireworks to set off tomorrow night at my parent's farm.
  21. Ok, I get it, fireworks are awesome. But can we PLEASE save them for, oh I dunno, tomorrow night (or tomorrow, at the very least)??? Someone has been setting off one huge firework every 30-60 minutes this afternoon in my neighborhood and it's giving me a freaking heart attack each time.
  22. Lots of screen real estate going unused here. I do have a 1440p monitor but it looks kinda silly all the same.
  23. And just like that, we got almost .5". Kinda makes up for all the rain we didn't get earlier this week!
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