Ooph. Been there and done that--it seemed my power would go out in Thorndale at the merest whiff of a breeze. It got to be so bad that I bought a genny and some seriously thick extension cords to run our fridge, freezer and a portable A/C (fridge needed to be run for insulin, and my mother-in-law would melt if we didn't have A/C). How many apartment dwellers do you know that need to keep a spare backup generator on hand! Anyway, after the disastrous outages of the summer of 2016, we only ended up using it one time; the power was out for just long enough for me to set everything up and run the extension cords. Oh well, better to have and not need then to need and not have, and all that.
Anyway, hope it comes back on soon for you, or at least before tomorrow's heat. This is what, the 3rd or 4th heat wave this year? I've lost count and it's only the first week of July, sheesh.