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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. Nice. Should have clarified that our anniversary is in June, so hopefully this will still happen. Why am I up so late. 35.7°F out. Thanks @Birds~69. Night all.
  2. We're under a burn ban here in Berks, hoping it lifts by the end of the month since my wife and I would like to have a back yard campfire for our anniversary (we've spent a majority of our anniversaries camping). Really enjoying this cooler respite though. Got down to 32 and change last night and have another frost warning tonight, currently 36.6°F which is (yet again!) ~5°F lower than my local forecast. Have lots of seedlings already planted in the veggie garden, am slightly worried about that.
  3. .17" for the event thus far, and it's kina looking like it's near its end. We're at .92" for April, about 1/5th of what we had last year by this time. Time to dust off all the soaker hoses, and maybe we'll get some more in about a week, but who knows.
  4. Completely dry-slotted here. Nothing in the rain bucket, but we did have a 30 mph gust earlier.
  5. SPC bumped the risk zones north a bit: Looked outside and noticed the clouds absolutely booking it. Looks like a divergent upper-level jet will be the main factor in today's severe weather risk, with maybe a little daytime heating stirred in the mix.
  6. Made it to juuust below freezing here. Welp, that was fun while it lasted.
  7. Huh. Woke up today with .29" in the bucket. Nice, but not enough for Berks County to rescind their outdoor burn ban. Hope it lifts by the end of May at least because my wife and I were planning some evening firepit campfires the week of our anniversary.
  8. .04" on the day. Pretty depressing watching and hearing all these huge storms just roll on by the the east and west.
  9. I postponed an overnight brisket smoke due to last night's forecast, but so far it hasn't rained a drop. The forecast has held steady for t-storms beginning at noon, so we'll see if that pans out. This is all virga at the moment:
  10. Called it. We broke 90 around 12:30, but now the cloud cover is creeping in and we're back down to 89:
  11. Made it up to 89.7°F. Though I've only been recording temps IMBY for three years now, last year's highest in April was 82.7 and in 2021 it was 80.0. I think we might make it to 90 tomorrow, which could start the "above nineties" count for the year a full month earlier than last year. I think we all saw this coming after our dismal winter, but I was hoping we'd stay cooler a little longer. At least it has been bearable with low humidity. So begins the long slog through the summer months. Starting in April. Not a fan. Side note: I read somewhere that large tropical volcanic eruptions have been correlated with warm winter months immediately proceeding in the northern hemisphere, following a cold crash the following winter. Here's hoping Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai might have such an effect? I watched this vid recently (he begins to make his point about 3 minutes in if you don't want to watch the whole thing, though I highly recommend you do, it's very good): And the paper cited within: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19930016055/downloads/19930016055.pdf
  12. I'm not the biggest fan of sunny weather, but even I have to admit that today was just gorgeous and comfortable outside. It even clouded over just a bit towards the evening, which is more to my liking, lightening my mood even more. I worked from home today, and after my last Teams meeting ended at 4, I smoked a bunch of chicken over applewood, finishing it off on the grill alongside some zucchini and mushrooms. A simply superb early April evening. Looks like we hit just over 76°F here, after a low of 35 this morning. Good sleeping weather tonight; dry and in the low 60's/high 50's. Currently 64F/31DP a just a touch of breeze.
  13. Made it down to 30.2°F, which was 6 degrees below forecast. I wonder what tonight's forecast low of 40 will actually be. We have seedlings that are waiting to be planted...
  14. We got down to 27.5¯F, about 7 degrees colder than what was forecast. Wild.
  15. Patiently waiting for the first storm-watching-from-my-garage-with-an-adult-beverage sesh of the season. Doesn't look like today's my lucky day, though I can see the stuff training NE off to my west
  16. 9 if you count the one I posted yesterday. You've definitely got a point.
  17. Haven't seen this reported yet because it's just outside of Mt. Holly's coverage. That black line is the PA/MD border just to the west of DE; I grew up just north of there.
  18. Caught a 42mph gust about an hour ago, easily the fasted I've recorded here in a little over two years of logging data. Wow!
  19. We had ice-cube sized hail (and a small tornado I think touched down) near Oxford, PA in 2009. The hail very nearly totaled my wife's car. We were able to park in a grocery store lot and run to shelter right before it started getting serious. I am morbidly looking forward to the damage reports tomorrow.
  20. In all my years of being a weather enthusiast, this ranks up there as one of the most intense systems to track. Thankfully my family is particularly weather-aware these days, but still. Seeing that couplet pass within a mile or two of my parent's farm really got me. I was texting my mom the whole time, she said the sky actually turned a sort of yellow.
  21. This formed and headed east right south of where my parents live:
  22. Got real dark, rumbled a little bit, rained a hundredth of an inch, and left. Sky is getting lighter here. Stay safe everyone downstream!
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