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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. Except that it is impacting tropical and subtropical places just as much. Madrid, Barcelona, Northern Italy, Australia. These aren't cold areas.
  2. Virus gives you 4 more asses. Little known side effect
  3. Idk about the black market but these bears seem happy.
  4. Biggest question, did you catch any bass?
  5. Grocery store by my grandparents in St Clair county.
  6. Yep I would be clearing out canned goods, soups, cereal, things that last a long time or can be frozen like meat.
  7. I can verify the same here, sister-in-law's Kroger was wiped out. I am hoping some of that comes back by Sunday.
  8. Yeah I think the Paducah area is in for it tomorrow. Another of these low amplitude waves with great speed shear and low level directional shear.
  9. How about we end winter after a mid March storm, and have a pleasant April instead.
  10. I think we have one more fail storm left in us, and then we can put this winter to bed.
  11. Not a big dog, but a moderate dog is still fun.
  12. Once the sun starts to go down this should stick better on the roads. The shaded spots on roads are already getting some accumulations.
  13. This is kind of a poor mans version for sure, I would say this had the potential to be a wrapped up biggie like that in that location even.
  14. Oh the Op GFS is the easiest toss ever. We need to go back to the AVN model.
  15. Models besides GFS give us about .50-.60" liquid equivalent, should be locked in on the 4-7"
  16. Make sure to pile up all the dust, maybe you will hit that 5.5"
  17. I think the going forecast is good from DTX, they are going with 4-7". Tonight's snow will be the deciding factor if we get closer to 4 or 7. I think we will average around 10:1 with this, we will need good rates through tomorrow during the day to stick to the roads appreciably.
  18. I think 3-6 is about it for SEMi. Closer to 6 if we get a bit tonight closer to 3 if tonight is more rain than snow.
  19. YOU DIDNT GIVE ME ENOUGH TIME!!!! Plus I did know this one. Back when Michigan got tornadoes.
  20. If we end up getting this storm I cant go lower than a C as we will be shockingly butting up against average but this might be one of the most frustrating winters in quite some time. Even 2012 wasn't as bad because you knew you weren't getting much after awhile, so there wasn't any of this pulling of the rug nonsense.
  21. Maybe the hemorrhaging has slowed and the clock can run out.
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