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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. Because it feels like we have had that many days in this month.
  2. Dude, he has gone out of his way to place blame or spin the problem toward a certain race or nationality, multiple times no less with no evidence.
  3. I believe we have a bingo here folks
  4. Maybe for medical reasoning sure but this seems pretty across the board impacting everyone.
  5. This is part of it, plus a general high amount of population like other cities.
  6. I am not going to place the blame on any race or nationality with how this has spread or been concentrated in this country. Nearly every major city has it and in a great amount. Has nothing to do with Iran, it is pure conjecture to speculate that with no reasoning.
  7. WTF is this nonsense. Everyone is getting it, doesn't matter age race sex.
  8. It won't be in the mid to upper 60s in the warm sector, hell the dews might be that high.
  9. I can remember about 3 and every single one of them ended up being significant events. This one is no different in my opinion either.
  10. If people are getting cabin fever now, what happens after 14 days or if the restrictions strengthen. People needs to heed these warnings and are just completely ignoring them thinking this is a free vacation. I will say without getting too political, this shelter in place shows that we need more vacation time as a workforce collectively. Something similar to the European model for example.
  11. The best thing to do is to assume we all have it, and to assume after 3-6 weeks depending upon projections, that it has run its course. Beyond that we have no idea. I would rather be extra cautious vs careless on this with how aggressive the virus has been.
  12. Anyone who thinks we will be going back to normal working in 2 weeks is severely mistaken and part of the problem. All you need to do is look at Italy and the rest of Europe to see why that is an insane idea. They haven't even hit the top of the curve yet.
  13. Come on man, GFS is always going to have shit lapse rates this far out due to model bias.
  14. 7-7.5 c/km are not poor lapse rates, only the GFS is closer to 6.5 which is workable but also poorly underdone by a shitty model.
  15. Yes, I do hear that help is coming. Many grocers and distributors are hiring 1000s right now, which should cut some of the strain.
  16. No, thank you for being there for the rest of us. What you guys are doing is more than any of us can imagine!
  17. Dude, I'll make it simple, don't take anything Alek says seriously.
  18. It might, but based upon her office's tweets earlier today it seems like they are against that right now. IL and other states going that way today could have changed her mind.
  19. This is partly why MI hasn't gone with SIP. We have done everything up to that though there should be a call to shut down more places in general. Leave food/pharmacy/banks and any sort of distribution open. Beyond that the rest should close.
  20. They will change their tune the minute someone is tested positive.
  21. Yeah it is not good, the downturn in 08-09 is what put this area into a depression, not a recession. We are just now getting back to what we were in 06-07. https://www.wxyz.com/news/coronavirus/ford-gm-and-fiat-chrysler-will-close-all-factories-amid-coronavirus-outbreak-ap-reports
  22. The big 3 shutting down that is going to have a big impact locally.
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