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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. If possible try other places. That place just sounds like they are misinterpreting the order.
  2. There have been some that are doing curbside pickups which is good.
  3. In some towns the liquor store/corner market is their only option especially in rural places. Let's not attach liquor sales to the spread of the virus.
  4. I trust restaurants and fast food more than the grocery store right now. Interaction with people is very limited with restaurants and this isn't a foodborne virus. Do you trust the hundreds of people in a grocery store not having Corona? There were 4 cases of Kroger workers who died in the past week in the metro area.
  5. Drug stores sell seeds same with grocery stores and this should all still open around May 1st. I doubt people are going to gas stations specifically for lotto and I view marijuana as medical which drug stores are open.
  6. Protest over what though, no one is planting anything yet, it is April 12th. The grass just now turned green here so a couple a weeks wait on mowing is no big deal, and no one is opening a cottage in the 2nd week of April either. It is just a vocal minority that is complaining because they are being told not to do something, the vast majority in this state would love to bear down these last 3 weeks so we don't have to for 7 more weeks on top.
  7. Could be part because of economics though too, the black people in Detroit are quite severely depressed economically.
  8. I think it has to do a lot more with high density of people. The rest of Wayne County has just as bad of numbers as the city.
  9. 58 here with a squall had a gust of 51 outside of a squall too.
  10. A shots from Tuesday and today
  11. @RogueWaves Just curious why you found humor in Hoosier's post.
  12. Yeah it should be, but it isn't and that is a problem.
  13. Except it is a partisan thing because of who ruled that the voting should go on. One party was smart about this and wanted it stopped because it is incredibly dangerous, the other is looking only politically and only for gain. I know you don't want politics to get involved in this thread but you can't ignore the obvious facts here both at a state and national level.
  14. Thank you. An early thread is the kiss of death.
  15. It is an incredibly dangerous precedent for election standards. Don't be shocked if some absentee ballots magically disappear in November.
  16. Good to know you guys are just as confused. I would love to know what Goss looked at because nearly none of the models look that way both in lack of storms for your area or a massive area deemed for a SLGT.
  17. Changes at 00z will be wholesale.
  18. I would bet their cases are in the millions and deaths in the 10s of thousands easily.
  19. B- County and State, tri-county area is B- Macomb A- Oakland, B Wayne so we have done an exceptional job locally.
  20. Thank god the models have been atrocious, but you know this will be the one time they are money just because of how shitty that looks.
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