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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. The whole issue I don't get is yes people are out of work, why don't they take advantage of all the opportunities given to them. Unemployment is available to millions across the country, and yes it isn't perfect but it is available for a very large majority and with the additional 600 a week that is more than enough to survive this shutdown. It isn't permanent so make use of what is available. The negative consequences are no where near what the positives are, what happens if we let our guard down and let this virus run rampant, we have over 650k cases that we know of and over 30k people have died in the matter of 7 weeks, both of those numbers have shown no sign of slowing and this is with precautions in place.
  2. Yeah and that was thousands of people.
  3. Max will be 14" is my guess.
  4. True, but I would bet every dollar I have it is overdone.
  5. Their "choices" blocked an ambulance route to a hospital. I don't want to hear about choices of a very small minority of people who look to have been against the Governor no matter what she did. If these people want all this ultimate freedom to do whatever they want there are 9 states for idiots who have done nothing yet. One of those states SD, because they have done nothing have a massive outbreak at a meat plant. So I don't want to hear about choices of people who are clearly not caring about anyone but themselves.
  6. That protest in Lansing was so fruitful. Idiots
  7. Instantly, but it already melted as soon as the sun came back out.
  8. I am not salaried and most people have the ability to be on unemployment right now. If this is ongoing 6 months from now then we can have the discussion again then. Right now though everyone that can be on unemployment should be.
  9. The first one was a squall that just came through and the other was at home earlier today.
  10. That one had such a crazy cutoff to the north, Toledo had over 7" here less than 1".
  11. Stop thinking about money over lives, this isn't that hard. We have over 30k people dead in this country in a month and a half with many actions done to prevent the spread, what do you think would happen if none of those actions happened? You could easily take that number and triple it or even more.
  12. That is the one thing going for this potential locally, it is coming at night so unlike places to the west, don't have to deal with the sun. That being said I hope it doesn't materialize like shown.
  13. The gardening thing doesn't make sense but the construction and paint does. Those are two groups who buy masks at high quantity, we are already limited as it is, if you put all those crews out there we would not have masks for the general public. This is a temporary thing. As for the auto industry, I disagree, they have a 4 week shut down in summer every year and that doesn't gut them. Plus those factories hold thousands of people, I wouldn't want this to run rampant through them.
  14. I don't disagree there that things should be communicated better. Some may not be able to parse why they need to be open.
  15. I and many in this state disagree, yes there have been a few missteps as noted with the gardening aspect for example but this is an unguided time and she like others is doing the best that she can. I would rather err on the side of caution than not. Should lottery go to online only, yes. Should marijuana/liquor stores close, no because that could potentially lead to other issues and rehab facilities are not available should things get worse. It is easy to say "hey don't drink" to an addict but until you walk in those shoes you don't know and there is very limited resources for addiction right now. No this isn't meant to enable but I could it being worse if alcohol sales were eliminated. As for marijuana, there is medicinal purposes to it and in a highly stressed environment, if someone wants to smoke to calm themselves as long as it is legal I see no issue there.
  16. We did hit 51 here at DTW Storm didn't quite phase until it was already past us, thus the higher than expected pressures.
  17. Yeah not to be political but what he says is only causing more harm than good. He'd be better off having the doctors and Pence talk but ego gets in the way.
  18. Look I get it but you are talking about a very specific scenario in the grand scheme of things and honestly having construction work slow down is good because it allows for the n95 masks to be available. Most construction workers use them as well, same with painters, drywallers, etc.
  19. If you can't understand why keeping the government running I don't know what to say. As for your neighbor I hope he has filed for unemployment like everyone else that is laid off and that supplements his income lost until things reopen some time next month. Most press conferences people have been apart at least at the state/city levels. National level is pretty obvious why that is that case.
  20. Yeah and if you clean your groceries (what a saying to say), then you should be fine. I am just worried about being in the store with a lot of people and people tend to pick stuff up and put it back on shelves which concerns me as well.
  21. Both of those I would adjust or eliminate, you are expecting it to be perfect, politics is far from it but don't let perfect be the enemy of better. This is unprecedented shit and outside of a few things she had done as good of job as many other governors in this country.
  22. Actually reading more into the seed ban, if it is completely universal state wide, that is kind of stupid. A lot of people I know who start from seed growing do so this time of year. I will say the greenhouses should be fine for buying plants in May, minimal grow time will be lost in that case.
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