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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. Yeah that would fall under those I would think open.
  2. My thought is pulling back on some recreational things, with work opening up closer to May 15th or after Memorial Day.
  3. Next winter I want to start January 1st and end January 31st.
  4. Yep that is why we can't open everything up. The hospitals are near capacity right now and would be inundated if things just opened right back up.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/florida-beach-reopen-coronavirus-mad-dash-075308141.html I wouldn't trust drone photos to be accurate. There were many beaches that had the same reaction yesterday.
  6. 3.4 is the final for DTW. Not too bad all things considered.
  7. It could be worse, we could live in Florida where an idiot is the governor there. How on earth do you open the beaches right now down there.
  8. Toronto is one of the fastest growing metro areas over the last 20 years. I don't know what you are getting at with this but it couldn't be any further from the truth.
  9. Lets say the death rate is 0.5% and everyone gets it in this country, that is still 1.5 million dead people. People grasp at percentages because it minimizes the problem.
  10. Yes but the rate of being very sick isn't low and if this virus isn't treated as being very dangerous that number would skyrocket as would the death rate. Remember these numbers we have are with precautions in place, can you imagine what it would be like without them?
  11. My one picture is incomparable to Josh's but still decent rates here. Total at 4PM was 2.9 on the day
  12. That's a good point too that nearly 700k people have been tested for it but what if I told you the actual number of cases was 10 or 20x that. Just look at the numbers coming off these Navy ships, that over 50% of the cases are asymptomatic. So you know there are millions in this country who may be infected and not even remotely realize it.
  13. Until we have adequate testing so that thousands of people don't come into my terminal without knowing if they are sick or not. Unfortunately we have no idea when that date is.
  14. Don't make me reveal your alterego and yeah the border does look good, Hillsdale or Toledo.
  15. @MIstorm97 is. It is a discord inside joke
  16. Yeah some of the problems with these systems are really challenging but then again 7 weeks ago we didn't expect any of this to happen and the systems were not setup to handle no where near this kind of volume. I will say the states though have done a wonderful job adjusting on the fly compared to the federal government and its issues.
  17. I get that too because we don't know where the end will be. But we are all in this together and some of us like myself are still out there keeping the world at least semi-moving. What we all don't want though is at the end of this to know a relative or friend who has perished.
  18. Trust me I get people are restless, especially as the weather is improving, but this is being done so we don't end up with something like 1918. It is just rational to be safe vs sorry.
  19. Exactly, we haven't gotten to the point where people can get a test on demand, how could we ever open things up when we can't test.
  20. Noticed the models are ticking north here as well. The curse of Isaac lives on! @MIstorm97
  21. Bingo, if someone can't live off of 962 dollars a week in this state, I am sorry but you are living beyond your means and/or should have saved up your excess income. That projects out at 50k a year. Well above the poverty line, actually even well above the median income in this country.
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