34k people died from the flu last year, nearly 70k from this in 9 weeks with nearly 3k a day at this point. Even the worst year in the last 10, 2 years ago had 61k cases.
You can't be any more wrong.
Yeah a lot more synoptic snow this winter up there vs LES. Would have been interesting to see a core sample from when you had your max depth, just to see how much liquid was in that snow pack.
It isn't about perfection... they haven't been close to any projection in testing. How can they project millions of vaccines when there isn't even a vaccine found yet? It's one thing to be optimistic but this is just unfounded guessing by them at best and at worst lying.
Yeah gotta save the money, wont someone please think of the money!!!!
Also what you are seeing is a product of staying at home and social distancing working. If none of that was put in place what you're seeing in New York would have been every major city in this country.
Garbage dump of a pattern, I just hope this doesn't impact flowering trees too much. We don't need an economic hit right now with fruit production being destroyed due to very cold temperatures.
I mean Biden is on TV all the time, only so much he can do from home in that regard. I get your point though, but that comes with the territory of being president, Trump is seen more which mean his foibles will show up as easier.
Please don't take this politically, but I am curious what you would like for Biden to do. I have seen other people take issue with him, and I am just curious what he could be doing beyond what he is already doing.
People who aren't working are getting unemployment for the most part, and gas is super cheap this year. I could see there being a lot of camping going on once things open up.
A place like the UP probably should open up. I mean hell there is almost triple the number of people in my county than the entire UP. Social distancing is natural up there to begin with. I will say don't count out tourism just yet though, it is still early in the year and March/April tend to be down months in general up there between the snow season and the summer camping season.
Camping/boating/golfing yes but still with social distancing. As for the spiking that is typical for a Tuesday as the weekend has been undercounted. What need to do is take Saturday to Tuesday and divide by 4 to get a more real estimate.