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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. Well in that case then we are truly ****ed. These are the same states and companies crying for money too. There needs to be a complete change in the way business is done after this because that is just gross negligence
  2. That just isn't true if they are getting unemployment 960 a week before taxes per worker, if that is not enough money especially if both spouses are work and/or on unemployment they are living beyond their means. Those who aren't getting unemployment because delays are going to get it and get it backdated so the missing money will be there. That is more of an issue of gross negligence at a state level, thankfully this state has done much better than others.
  3. In the day time no less. I would absolutely pound the under on this one.
  4. Who is 'we' and what industry is 'we', that makes a huge difference in the conversation. But the money is lost only in principle, the money will be spent once things open up because a lot of people are sitting on liquidity right now. Anyone that is working or even collecting unemployment. The latter of which covers many of those service industry workers. Vegas obviously is a different ball of wax because of the gaming industry though so I will give credit on that one.
  5. Yeah agree 100% the danger is there for everyone and eve. If you aren't dying if you catch it, it is horrible if you are symptomatic.
  6. Exactly. So who are these people who are suffering. Sure there might be someone out there that is but every measure possible is being done to make sure that isn't the case and furthermore some are even making more with this happening which is a whole different horrible issue. But to that point people have money and will spend when this opens. So the economy tanking is on speculation by people who profit off speculation.
  7. But it only impacts the old........... again people need to read more before coming along saying it's only impacting the old or even killing just the old. And even if it is killing those who have a preexisting condition. Last I checked having these symptoms for 2 months isn't a walk in the park.
  8. So you are for state's rights then you should be fine with Whitmer's response, but wait you only care about states rights if you then agree with them too.
  9. 4/5th of this country is still working a vast majority that isn't working is getting assistance. You are a business owner I'd like to think you have the capital to survive a few months shut down if you are especially with small business assistance as well. If businesses don't have that capital that is a problem, those businesses shouldn't be paycheck to paycheck as well. That is poor business skills. So at this point who out there is actually struggling because outside of assistance being stalled which is more of a government problem, there shouldn't be many if at all struggling.
  10. We won't know because it was dismantled...
  11. There are people especially on one side of the aisle that want to do all of this, the other side is pissed off that anyone got anything extra as it is. Sadly that will always be political.
  12. Life expectancy numbers for one thing. Just like you are assuming all these old people are ready to die at 75. It is an average which means you can and often do have people living well beyond that. Either way this is still way more deadly than the flu so the comparison is useless.
  13. That is a third of people that are still dying well before they should. Stop ignoring that.
  14. This isn't killing old people. Did you just shut down the internet and TV for 5 weeks and then decide to come in here and drop old points?
  15. Hell when there is no definitive treatment available too.
  16. It isn't just killing old people, that myth was completely destroyed weeks ago.
  17. Rural cases are going up though per capita. Yeah there are some places isolated that haven't like the UP, but the rest of the areas are going up and would have gone through the roof without preventative measures that were put in place. That last part escapes people.
  18. Furthermore public opinion of how the government, specifically the state government is very favorable on how they have handled this so far.
  19. Here is the problem with his belief, we have 70k people dead with the government's reaction with no end in sight. How many would we have dead if we weren't doing all these preventative measures, I would argue 3x 4x 5x dead or even worse with hospitals inundated.
  20. If you were referring to my posts, it was a correction of someone saying that we have had 0.02% deaths. It is turning the real number into a baseless statistic to marginalize the impact of the real number. It is very obvious you think this is no big deal.
  21. No they weren't. Whoever gave you this information is wrong, and that 'company' you know was probably breaking the law.
  22. No but I have living grandparents in their 80s and parents in their late 50s. I don't want either of them dying from this, I actually care about more than myself.
  23. Yeah that's a good way to marginalize the 70k number as being insignificant. I see that happen universally by people who see this as no big deal. "Yeah but it's only 0.02% of people." Let's put it this way 70k people is over double my city dead in 9 weeks. Sounds a bit different when you put it in that perspective instead of turning it into a marginalized stat. Oh and this is with preventative measures on place too so realize how much worse it would be without them.
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