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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. .78" in 39 mins at ORD as of 10 minutes ago. They are going to be damn close to the record tonight.
  2. Midway already at 1.9+ for the day. ORD is over 6.00" for the month already.
  3. I can remember several years with multiple tornado watches, hell there have been some months in my life with multiple tornado watches.
  4. Insane, 6 1/2 years for northern lower and SEMI it has been almost 5.
  5. North of Guelph in Fergus had this Thanks to @on_wx for finding that on twitter
  6. Whoa, yeah that definitely leads credibility to the 78mph.
  7. Quite surprising but with sustained at 35kt a severe gust isn't too surprising. I would have never guessed 78mph gust though.
  8. Yeah the wind is the main reason I am hesitant to go below 27 here as well.
  9. I bet if this was broken down by cities, you'd see much higher numbers for Chicago/Detroit compared to the rest of the Midwest. I guarantee that.
  10. Your date on the picture is incorrect, that looks like March 7th
  11. Yeah I was up there around May 10th in 2016 and it was spectacular weather. Crazy how wild this time of year can be up there.
  12. I have been up to the UP this time of year a few years back, it was in the 60s and 70s...
  13. Yep, though there are some on the right, Dewine, Hogan, and Baker who have done well in governing their state of OH, MD, and MA. But there is definitely a slant by party overall.
  14. I thank my grandmother for that, my grandparents never lived beyond their means growing and my grandfather worked for Ford starting in the 70s. For the first few decades the pay was low for a family of 6. But by the late 80s and into the 90s the pay got better and my grandmother was a wiz at investing. By the time my grandfather retired in the early 2000s they were and still are worth a couple million dollars. It can be done even by blue collar families but it takes a lot of lean years early and smart investing while never living beyond your means.
  15. There is definitely an undeniable pattern to that map, not only by location but by political party of the states.
  16. Gross incompetence of the Feds and how this has played out can't be ignored. That is for sure. By the way your 2nd example is what is happening to my mom, she is on reduced hours 20/week.
  17. You bring up a great point with your last paragraph, my dad is making more at home than working right now even after 35 years being a welder for the same shop. This is a bargaining chip that the middle and lower class need to use because in no way shape or form should one make more at home than working. Even in this special circumstance, companies coming out on the other side need to be paying their workers more especially because this isn't going to be any easier when those who aren't working go back to work.
  18. I do agree there. Personally I don't though because being single for a good amount of my life, I know that if something happens to me and I am not prepared, I am ****ed.
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