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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. It isn't a diabetic or elderly only virus. Sure they get it the worst but it has impacted millions and killed over 100k just in this country alone. Stats back this up no matter what you think.
  2. Yes I well aware of the problems of a stay at home order. It just shows how ****ed up society truly is.
  3. Exactly. I don't expect people to wear a mask any time they walk out their house. That is illogical, but there are places where it is required in high traffic areas. It is not that hard to do.
  4. Yes I am pro-lockdown because I trust the doctors making the call and because I work in an airport terminal and don't want thousands of sick people here. I will cast whatever judgement I want though if people are going to be purposely obtuse.
  5. Yeah I am the narrow minded one for caring about everyone else when you admit to being selfish. Also last I checked the UP opened back up so go enjoy yourself and have a beer at a bar or dinner at a restaurant, something I can't do.
  6. That wasn't directed at you man, and furthermore you know the UP is completely different than say Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland. Hell you can go 50 miles and pass 10 cars up there. Also no one said not to enjoy life or your freedoms either. Hell I only wear my mask in required places as well, otherwise I practice smart and safe social distancing in public as everyone should at this point.
  7. It is the people who don't want to wear a mask and don't want to take a test causing the delays in opening. They are careless egotistical assholes.
  8. I can't believe The Soo made it to 90, that is incredible for them.
  9. It would have been close if it didn't storm, it was 86 before then.
  10. 113, RH above is 68% http://www.csgnetwork.com/canhumidexcalc.html
  11. It is 84 in Dayton, 6 degrees isn't impossible
  12. You are forecast 90 today, so no.
  13. I work in an international airport terminal, if I wasn't a bit concerned and scared I would have no brain. I don't want this terminal filled with people any time soon because of people like you who think this is no big deal. SC hasn't had high numbers because they are purposely not testing as many either through not enough kits or trying to keep numbers down falsely. Congrats on not having 5000 dead though, imagine if nothing was done, how many would be dead. Honestly your posts scream uneducated.
  14. At this point it is just fox news talking points. Facts are irrelevant to those people. Meanwhile great point made by you, these southern states weren't never prepared and had limited capacity to begin with.
  15. Yeah didn't you know SC is most amazing state ever?
  16. Hahahahaha. Like no joke I legit laughed out loud on that one. Solid
  17. Issue is that it sounds like normal year to year maintenance was lacking recently which is dangerous with an old earthen dam like that. They also own the Sanford Dam and its the same situation there.
  18. River expected to crest at 38' which is 4' over 500 year flood and 4.1' over the all time record. Whitmer in her press conference earlier this hour said they are expecting downtown Midland to be under 9' of water in 12-15 hours. This is historic and will go down as one of the worst disasters ever in state history.
  19. Here is a video of the Sanford Dam failing, 17 mins in the concrete pilings give way and then everything goes over. Trees, pontoon boats, docks, you name it
  20. Absolutely catastrophic event ongoing along the Tittabawassee River, if the Sanford Dam fails it will inundate the city of Midland which is being evacuated, Freeland which is also being evacuated and most of Saginaw.
  21. All the snow melted up there?
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