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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. You are citing a 2 month old study and it is "suggesting" the control "may" be the key. I would rather be careful than not anyways. This is still a great unknown.
  2. We both know mine is funnier though
  3. At this rate it is going to be 0 in 2 weeks. Fourth of July is going to make it worse too because none of them are taking any precautions down there.
  4. It's a fact that this virus directly impacts those who are diabetic way more than anyone else except the elderly. Yes I agree that is a fact.
  5. I am talking about diabetes and the virus for the third time, nothing else. I am sorry you are too damn ignorant to see past your own personal biases.
  6. I am talking about the virus impacting diabetics, not diabetes itself and I know plenty about it being pre-diabetic myself plus having a grandmother who was diabetic most of her life.
  7. Just hot getting hotter here, and we are on an island of dry for the next 10 days too.
  8. This is impacting those who are diabetic worse, no matter what their blood sugar levels are. It is a known entity.
  9. You were diabetic, and even if you improved your health enough to not be classified as diabetic, you would more than likely still be pre-diabetes. No way you jumped out of both. This isn't me being an ass, this is me being serious. Even if you don't think it is something to be concerned about, you should be.
  10. Like a genie, your wish has been granted
  11. You have a comorbidity and yet you are so cavalier about it. And you still don't get it, if there wasn't preventative measures in place NYC would be a walk in the park compared to what would happen.
  12. There was always a lag to the deaths so we should see what happens in a few weeks if deaths spike.
  13. Yeah that one virus is killing about 7% of all people dying in a day. That is quite a perspective that can be prevented if people actually cared enough.
  14. It shouldn't be made political but when the president absolutely refuses to wear one or even acknowledge the existence of masks. It becomes political because far too many in this country take their cues from him lately.
  15. Yeah for you until an outbreak happens in your county. It is a matter of time before it happens. Unlike the UP your county actually has people, just like Ingham County and that bar is now the source of nearly 100 cases in a week.
  16. When they are speaking out about not wearing masks they are talking out of both sides of their mouths. "Oh the economy but I will do nothing to help slow the spread"
  17. All this bleating about the economy is pointless. The argument is about wearing a mask, if you want to bring the economy up and why stuff is remaining closed, it is because people refuse to wear masks causing us not to relax the curve. It is really simple, wear a damn mask.
  18. Because of gross negligence by our federal government. Also by selfish behavior by people who either think that this is nothing or listen to the feds without doing any research.
  19. It is really that simple. People see him doing nothing and follow right along ignorantly.
  20. Yeah they are... and that shouldn't be the deciding factor of safety anyways. I am tired of hearing that we need to save the money no matter what.
  21. I mean they may be required but that doesn't mean people are wearing them 100%.
  22. Yep same with me working at the airport. People walking around with no mask on in an international terminal.
  23. People not who are not wearing masks are coming in my lane.
  24. Its obvious that it will take at least that and more to convince people this is serious. You have people who think it is just a cold or just impacting old people still. These are myths that have been proven to be false months ago.
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