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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. Some of my pictures at home around 10pm last night.
  2. Yeah idk what course of action we will take in the Civil manner but right now it's a criminal case being that it was a hit and run.
  3. My sister gave me an update, I hope they do arrest this person just for closure for our family.
  4. I normally don't post about my real life stuff and I didn't know where to put this but I have to post about this. My uncle was killed in a hit and run accident riding his bike to the store last night. He lived a few blocks over from me and the accident was like 200 yards from my house. My sister made a gofundme https://gofund.me/317539f7 He was one of the nicest people you could know, always cared about his nieces and nephews always wanted to know how work was going how the family was doing. It's just so tragic to get run down in the street. He rode his bike all over and was probably going to out live us all.
  5. Honestly you really don't even want anything, some of our better winters we pitched a shut out until like mid to late November.
  6. Remember we don't want snow in October, that is almost always the kiss of death for winter.
  7. True, but you still don't want a drought. Dry is fine, drought is not.
  8. So, one thing you don't want going into winter is a drought upstream, we are going to need some rain soon.
  9. Lapse rates being ass and lack of shear in the Metro saved us and yeah we don't need more destructive storms.
  10. Incredible rain yesterday for Toronto, Pearson broke their daily record that goes back to July 8th 2013, that was the day the 427 had catastrophic flooding. And it breaks the all time summer record.
  11. Hit 90, so the shut out won't happen.
  12. Airport got missed yesterday but I had easily 2" or more at my house. City airport had 1.48 just in an hour.
  13. Looking boring for a while for about a week.
  14. 29 separate paths including one in downtown. Crazy
  15. Classic cartoon, love the talking Wile E Coyote cartoons.
  16. I'd be pissed if I was on vacation in the UP and it was 48 at 4PM
  17. Shelf was great here, my phone doesn't do the greenage justice though.
  18. The difference between now and normal is crazy.
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