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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. They were south of the 18z run by a considerable margin.
  2. To break that down further the ARW part of the ensemble which tends to be the most amplified is the group of the ensemble more south.
  3. They are south, that is a tell that the NAM maybe be too far north, when everything else is south. Plus inverse NAM principle is a good play too.
  4. 7 at home and 9.2 at work. It wasn't that great of a storm, especially knowing what hit all around us.
  5. Sad we can't get a within 12 hour bump NW like the lead wave.
  6. I'm talking part 1. If we grinded to 6 total does it even mean much? I know you are the eternal optimist but this is a screw job.
  7. We are going to struggle to get to 6" trust me. We are getting screwed. Solid storm sure but when you are forecasted double to triple. It's a complete rug pull.
  8. It's looking like Detroit is going to take forever to change over. Nothing like a massive change less than 12 hours before a storm.
  9. Yeah good luck getting to 2.7 million people
  10. First wave is kind of becoming the more dominant wave. I would rather be in the target zone on that right now considering it is much much closer.
  11. The rest of the clown car (GEFS) are with the op though.
  12. I don't know what to make of the GFS, it is either going to be genius or a goat on this.
  13. Don't get me wrong, they can sniff out stuff once and a while but often they are overamplified and correct to the synoptic scale models.
  14. They are terrible at synoptic scale features, and have limited zones of modelling.
  15. The main piece actually looks the same or slightly north. They definitely overlap more than 12z run.
  16. It kinda changed orientation, it was a bit north with the precip shield here
  17. Not surprising it was still pretty far south.
  18. This isn't like previous years, you aren't going to see radical changes in location within 2 days. Nothing really has done that this year. Just lesser amounts usually. Location doesn't wildly change anymore
  19. True but the overrunning event is setting the train tracks down for the 2nd part to ride up.
  20. Agree and have to remember too this is starting in some placed in less than 48 hours. The clock is running out for anything other than noise level changes.
  21. There is an 18z gem? Who knew
  22. Jfc the GEFS is all I can say.
  23. Euro ensembles aren't buying the shunted south 2nd wave as much. The mean looks like it actually shifted a hair north. Definitely higher amount in the main thrust of the band this run.
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