I got 0.0000000002" of snow using the @McHenrySnowmethod
Oh and since you will see this post, unlike the others I won't be as nice. Everyone knows how to measure snow and you posting what you are posting is a bunch of crap. I question your red tag every time you post because no met would say and do these things. I don't care who gets upset at me saying that but you are making those of us who are actual mets look bad with your posting.
Interesting that the euro came in more juiced up. Not that it means alot at this point but gotta stop the hemorrhaging somehow.
And yeah the 06z runs stopping the south bleed thank god
I agree with these thoughts, yes it is a bit annoying that there is a drying trend in the models right before the system hits but I don't see this unraveling as fast and there is ample moisture heading north without a blocking heavy rain MCS like back in December.
I would expect a watch in a couple hours for SEMI, they will probably go 5-8 but I would do 7-10. Every model seems to have move off of the ice potential north of 8 Mile and the rest are slowing moving away from it south of there.