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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. Most of the models were not going hard until the end, interestingly enough the GFS locked in and didn't budge for 4 days. It ended up getting it right.
  2. I don't work for the NWS itself, but I have to believe they were. I know a twitter chat of mine with Michigan OCMs, enthusiasts, chasers, and met students were all going harder on the ice than DTX and IWX were. GRR did a good job though. Personally I was quite surprised how bad Hillsdale County got it, the rest though was pretty much what I had expected.
  3. Yeah I had about .10" of ice in the trees at home, and it was sleeting when I left.
  4. Thank you, I missed posting here with everyone but I couldn't do it in good conscience for a while.
  5. Basically the timing goes back to why he was banned out of OT, he should have been removed fully then but somehow wasn't. Other things went on this weekend that pushed the removal of a lot of outstanding issues.
  6. I am legit concerned this could be the outcome, I hope it isn't. Hell I would take 33 and rain over ice at this point. A repeat of today would be fine, we are at 1.17 liquid almost all of it rain.
  7. Yep these are both correct, though both of you don't know how long the history goes back. He has had several questionable problems over the years and somehow avoided getting the axe when he should have, more so why he kept testing the bounds until he got what was coming to him for a long time. It really isn't hard to not be a weird creep, but to be an open weird creep so brazenly just is wild. Nonetheless, this subforum will move on and the change will largely go unnoticed.
  8. Not to my hands but I am glad to be back You don't know what you are talking about More than some and a lot has slid under the radar for a long time. This is something everyone should be happy getting fixed.
  9. Euro is unchanged from the 12z runs maybe a hair weaker at 500mb but not by much at all.
  10. Gefs looks to be about the same as 18z a bit less variability.
  11. It didn't look good for the east if you looked at the teleconnections. Just because a model run or two showed something doesn't mean it's "good" for a region.
  12. 6-10" for that zone would be the biggest storm for most.
  13. Most of the individual members are north of that mean tho, its just got a couple of far east members pulling the mean east/flatter.
  14. It is not surprising that there has been a shift north, the system moving off the coast is quicker to move away and this system is slower, thus removing the confluence that would help keep the system moving more easterly and keeping the track south. I know it sounds crazy but I would be worried here that this keeps shifting north more.
  15. Id be very shocked if we get anything for at least 2 weeks maybe even longer.
  16. Your posts have been C- at best including fighting Josh on climo which he knows better than most here. I would suggest doing better.
  17. I have been reading all day, if only we had a bit of moderation That said, yes that comment was bad, like just read Naso, your answer will come in time. Plus you supposedly understand models so you should be able to find the answer on your own. Stop being lazy.
  18. You have looked at weather maps for years and can't figure out how much you are going to get lmao
  19. I have my reasons, if you want to know them my DMs are open
  20. Yep I'm out, anyone who wants to chat catch me on twitter or in off topic, also DM if you'd like.
  21. Yeah I dont blame you guys for going with a watch given the time of year the travel impacts and the high impact potential. Plus it is a watch not a warning anyways.
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