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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. Honestly yeah, like its one thing to like warm weather, but to constantly troll about it while never adding analysis and constantly interjecting into good conversation with garbage it was time. It was time when he came back after being banned to begin with but previous moderation ignored the problem here.
  2. Pretty sure he ate it and weirdly enough mittenwx showed up the same day with the same vibe.
  3. I wish we had 4-6" all year at this point.
  4. I mean a weaker SSW should be colder than what we have been dealing with.
  5. I would disagree that it is backing away, weaker sure. But I actually don't mind a weaker SSW event because I don't want to go from warm and dry to cold and dry. A strong SSW could easily be suppression city.
  6. It's the UP man, if they aren't getting snow its extraordinary
  7. That's more than fine, I'd rather have a warm spring than not.
  8. 56/49 yesterday, 49 obliterates the record high minimum by 6. 56 was 21 above normal and 49 was 26 above normal for a 23.5 above normal day. The month is now 8.2 above normal as well with still a few more above normal days left in the month. We will probably end up around +9-9.5 with the positive departures left in the month.
  9. As for the rest here from the last few days, good stuff and you can already see some hints of the change in the longer range. I still worry about going warm and dry to cold and dry but beyond that it does look colder about a week out from now.
  10. Could you be any lazier? Like if you don't care about someone spending time making a good post, don't reply.
  11. How were the fish biting, also what do you catch in Teal Lake?
  12. My only worry is the MJO wave is so low amplitude that it may not flush the pattern enough. I'd love to see the wave propagate at a higher amplitude, but I will take what we can get here.
  13. There are several people here who would be fine but nothing will be done. Too many above have issues with those who would be good candidates myself included even though this subforum would agree that any of us would do a good job.
  14. He needs to go, its pretty obvious across the board here that we are all tired of his shit.
  15. Had a bit of snow action here at work, got down to 1 1/4SM but we are back up to just flurries right now.
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