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About Stebo

  • Birthday 02/07/1985

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Eastpointe, MI

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  1. I won't bite until I see consistency, plus we still need it west of where its showing now. That has more of the current cold but dry look.
  2. It's looking like a 1-2" at this point. It still runs out of gas considerably compared to NW of here.
  3. Confluence to the east due to a coastal, it makes sense. If the coastal is weaker though it may not fall apart as quickly.
  4. Minor grass accumulation this morning here, maybe a tenth or two.
  5. It will be nice to see a bit of snow here, I am doubting much accumulation if at all.
  6. No but it is gross negligence by FAA, I hope that someone looks into this and stops it by force.
  7. LFG! Great program to be a part of and those who I know up there in the program are really good too.
  8. Some of my pictures at home around 10pm last night.
  9. Yeah idk what course of action we will take in the Civil manner but right now it's a criminal case being that it was a hit and run.
  10. My sister gave me an update, I hope they do arrest this person just for closure for our family.
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