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Everything posted by rochesterdave

  1. These models are really pretty terrible. They over amplify everything. I’ve always contended that they should ‘learn’ from their mistakes. Don’t they run self verification software and realize they over promise extreme weather?
  2. Did you lose your doctor? I didn’t. I don’t know a single person who did. Obamacare has proven pretty successful and very popular. It slowed the increase in medical costs, it decreased the number of uninsured and it added sorely needed protections. Your guy has tried for years to dismantle it without any framework for a replacement (hint: there isn’t one). Thankfully he’s been unsuccessful.
  3. How come our storms don’t verify like this?!? Lol. Damn! That’s great
  4. I’m very liberal and even I think that extra $ is a mistake. I mean, someday we HAVE to pay this back, right? I’m definitely not opposed to giving someone a decent unemployment check, but when it rivals what you’d actually make- you lose all incentive to return. Hope this is over soon. I think April will just about wrap it up. The normalization process will take must of May, but then we’ll be looking good for summer.
  5. It’s gonna get interesting. Ya gotta thread that needle though. As always, best chances in the hills. Still gotta get it SE of us.
  6. You simply cannot rely on LES this time of year. For anything interesting we need a robust LP to track to our SE. Awful set up in my opinion- would’ve sucked for ROC even in January. TUG maybe.... Opportunities further down the line.
  7. Euro has a big dump in 7-10 day range (12”+). Do I believe it? No way Jose. Winter is ova
  8. Yep. It’s getting bad. IDK. Something really changed at the hospital today. It’s as if, all of a sudden, all of the patients started testing positive. You can just feel it. It’s as if someone flipped a switch. Next week or so is gonna be a ride. Hoping I can avoid it. Fortunately, we are getting re-stocked with PPE.
  9. We made it through March without a real storm. This winter has just sucked. It would get D. I’ll reserve the F for those winters where we actually get no snow (they do happen <60”). On paper Roc looked way better than it felt. I really hope next year is different.
  10. I don’t know why the nazis are freaking out about people going to the park, the beach or just walking around. I’m not gonna just stay inside. As long as you don’t congregate. Ya know?!? I swear, the need to control others is rearing it’s ugly head.
  11. Infection control at the hospital I work at are expecting a rapid ramp up of number of infected by early this week, with a peak arriving in 35-40 days. The numbers are increasing rapidly now. Unfortunately, deaths will likely follow. Theres no way of knowing but I’m hopeful we got ahead of this a little bit once Trump started taking it seriously. I doubt you’ll hear much more about “full churches on Easter”. Which was always just a dog whistle to his evangelical nut jobs.
  12. And when the democrats try and reign in the corporations, in favor of the worker, you fail to recognize it. I’m sorry Tim but you honestly represent the base Trump voter: uneducated, angry, reactionary and easily deceived into voting opposite your self interest. Our government isn’t fascist. Throwing about reckless proclamations, such as that, is counter productive to having anyone take you seriously. Really.
  13. Not impressed. precip rates likely too low to appreciate snow. This is the type of retrograde I live for in January
  14. I’ll never understand Obama to Trump people. Never. You could explain your reasons to me for a thousand years and I’d still be like, “yeah, but, but” lol
  15. Hey guys, let’s not turn this forum into another political scrum. At least not in the FB way. We can remain respectful
  16. Dislike Biden all you want but the guy doesn’t have dementia. That’s the worst kind of right wing political nonsense as far as I’m concerned. The guy held his own in all the debates and gives a coherent speech. Does he anger every once in a while? Sure. Does he have moments like anyone in their 70’s? Yep. But he isn’t showing signs of dementia. Be fair. At least Biden believes in science.
  17. Really well said. Now we need to strike out a balance between staying in lock down and tanking the economy versus how many deaths are worth that. We’ve Always unwittingly done that. We don’t shut down for each flu season even though we could and it WOULD save lives But we obviously aren’t there yet (as Trump wants). These are very nuanced decisions that should rest on stats and health officials. Instead, we have every moron, with a social media presence, giving their hyperbolic opinion. Including me. This conversation is similar to the one we need to have about end of life care. We spend something like 90% of our lifetime health expenses in the last 3 months. Buying time but eating up precious resources. A lot of it is driven by doctors covering their asses against liability. I’m an MRI tech and I spend lots of time scanning terminal patients in their 90’s. Causing them great discomfort even when there’s no possible follow up. If their cancer has spread, validating it on MRI gets us nowhere, they won’t survive surgery, they can’t tolerate radiation or chemo. The compassionate choice is to give them comfort care. Place them in a comfy recliner with pillows and blankets, pump them full of pain meds and let them enjoy their last months. Im rambling, but I see analogies here. I didn’t explain them well. Ultimately, the herd has to have some consideration. The individual is extremely important but they don’t trump every other thing. Even when it comes to life and death.
  18. Back to snow in Rochester. It’s colder than anticipated. Pretty funny that the GFS gave in at the last possible moment.
  19. Another non event. Raining in Rochester after accumulating 0”. Most disappointing winter I can remember. Everything underperformed.
  20. You look to be close to ground zero for this Wolfie. I’m curious about Wayne county. it’s unbelievable that we’ve been reduced to slush junkies.
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