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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Irvine, CA

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  1. Yeah I see this being a big issue in the last couple of cycles on some of the guidance. I thought the s/w looked better through about hr 60 or so on the Euro vs 0z (haven't seen 6z) but there's a bit more confluence to the NE as well as that system slamming into the PAC NW which wasn't there a couple of days ago. Combined, they lead to it getting stretched an then damped out pretty quick afterwards.
  2. I just moved to Southern California for work and while the weather is amazing here, it's still fun to track storms back east. Hopefully one of these late season storms work out.
  3. Nice, I was waiting for an update. Someone on NWS reported 13.4" but that seemed low, looks like we'll make 20" here. I suppose sitting under this band for 5 hours didn't hurt.
  4. Yeah I'm on the edge here but we're doing pretty well. Brief lull earlier but going strong now.
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