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Everything posted by clueless

  1. Yes. You’ll be fine, though. Ginger chews or candy help a bit. In three days you should be much better.
  2. I have COVID and the flu. You’ll be better once the Paxlovid kicks in. Rest up and hydrate!
  3. Had a few flurries. Now clear and winds gusting. So much for myb and anafrontal snow.
  4. 42. First time I checked today. Was outside today bleeding the hose bibs and it was just not fun.
  5. Still the wintry mix. A period of fatties - which were fun to watch. On the board for this season.
  6. Wintry Mix! It’s gonna change over. Fine. But I got a dusting in a few spots around trees and shrubs! Sitting at 34.
  7. Apple Weather App reporting ‘snow’. Honestly can’t see outside. And I’m up to 32. Looks dark to my west.
  8. Thank you, Mappy. It’s gross. Just had my first dose. And the metallic taste is already kicking in
  9. Merry Christmas to me. I tested for COVID and B-type flu. And I always mask. Someone must have come in with it to the showroom. Getting PAX and Tamiflu. And my entertainment will be tracking a ….frontal passage?
  10. Three flakes. Does that go toward my total?
  11. We really suck at this, don’t we?
  12. Nice glaze on everything here. Street looks ok. Some icy spots probably but someone who’s is on the road should report back. I imagine LoCo is still a two-hour delay?
  13. Pretty sure it will underwhelm. We have been here before.
  14. Too many disappointing outcomes in these parts for me to think about Xmas. I’d just like to have a few mode flakes before then.
  15. Mid-30s and not 50 on Christmas Day? Hell, yes. Take a pill everyone.
  16. BWI: 8.4 DCA: 4.3 IAD: 10.4 RIC: 9.8 SBY (TIE BREAKER): 5.4
  17. 36 and rain. I was in southern Loudoun all day so I can’t say if we saw any flakes.
  18. https://twitter.com/tropicaltidbits/status/1574841988657995776?s=46&t=uQCZBDUZxRGYW9fmAuq_Qw
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