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Everything posted by clueless

  1. I’m glad we are folding early. Somehow comforting we have a consensus on rain rather than being teased by phantom frozen next week.
  2. 1.5 and thin glaze of ice. Wintry!
  3. Some people are getting a refresher on their existing snow pack and some are not. Plus, we hit mid-February, etc.... I understand the frustration.
  4. Ticks south, drier, so I’m not feeling this one. I’m going for 3.5 my back yard.
  5. Cut the snow maps totals by 2/3rds and you have your forecast.
  6. When was the last time we have had a period like this?
  7. My winning streak is going to end. It HAS to, dammit.
  8. Absolutely beautiful snowfall. Fat flakes!
  9. Casual. As long as we keep it relatively short on the banter.
  10. My daughter is vegan, and no gluten as well, since high school ( she’s in her last year at Trch) because of food sensitivities. It absolutely was the right choice for her. It super hard to bake gluten free. Kudos to your sister.
  11. I have another cooler as well that’s in use. Now if I could only get the Solo fire pit going...
  12. Amazing run. Still snowing looks like almost an inch of new snow.
  13. Nice band right now. I measured around the house but it was very hard to tell what was fresh snow. I should have cleared snow this morning just to get a rough idea. :/ Maybe an inch?
  14. 4 inches as of last night. Thick crust of ice on top from whatever fell overnight. Changeover to snow now.
  15. I did a 4 mile hike today on our trails here. It was really beautiful.
  16. Hasn’t stopped snowing IMBY. Light to sometimes moderate- all day. Sweet.
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