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Everything posted by tdp146

  1. I know others have mentioned the high number of lightning bugs around. I feel like this is the most I ever remember seeing. Maybe not surprising after having seen them deep into October last year. I also feel like I have a couple of giant dragon fly’s from the Permian era flying around my back yard.
  2. Local buoys are in the low 70s this morning. Satellite basically backing that up as well. It’s summer. Enjoy.
  3. Up in Lloyd harbor this afternoon at a relatives. Lost power as that cell hit. Almost immediately. We were right on the edge of the worst too.
  4. I saw this boat last weekend. The owner of this thing should have to bear the full cost of the removal. The "up to" $15k probably won't cover the cost to the state to have this removed. This was intentional and sets a bad precedent for people that don't know what do with their useless old boats. You can't just leave this thing at the curb and hope the garbage men will take it away. Great picture though lol https://www.newsday.com/long-island/nassau/boat-beached-jones-beach-abandoned-1.32657038
  5. I actually meant to post this but I saw the first one over a week ago. Surprised because it was so cool and rainy. Now I have multiple a night in my yard. I guess I am in a good spot for them.
  6. Time for me to come back to the forum now that rain and gloom are done with
  7. Hardware store had the super early sale on Christmas lights. Picked up a couple boxes. Felt odd wearing shorts and sandals
  8. Just curious who you think the best is. I think Lee is the top on camera guy in the metro.
  9. Just heard. RIP. Say what you will about the weather channel but that core group of mets are great. Dave always had tremendous energy and passion when on air. Will be missed.
  10. Thanks. Today makes 5 days. Forecasted highs are 90 or better through Thursday. Could make the low end of that list.
  11. What's the record for most consecutive days at or above 90 for the city?
  12. Last minute decision to add the extra legs in the middle. I built the boards with 2x2's instead of 2x4's to try and make it as sleek as possible in an attempt to pack it in the car for camping trips. The two extra legs were just for more stability
  13. What's everyone doing for the weekend. Hosting a BBQ Saturday with the new American themed corn hole set I built. Will be at the beach the rest of the weekend. Water temps 70 or even better now. Get out there.
  14. Was a pretty great summer overall. Not a year with crazy hot upper 90s or 100s but the stretch of consecutive 80 plus is what will be remembered. The warm September gave my vegetable garden some bonus time too. ...now on to nor' Easter season!
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