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Everything posted by tombo82685

  1. Do you really think it gets going tonight? To me it looks like its more tomorrow for him into tomorrow night.
  2. we pray for the rgem, that would be sweet out here in no mans land.
  3. I will sell all of @TugHillMatt snow that he has right now for the rgem to verify
  4. Yup, that was all Strat induced tha month. Had a ssw in feb. Feb torched then ssw effects kicked in for March
  5. Someone needs to tell Nws Buffalo that there snow map is all wrong and needs to be shifted into lowville more
  6. There was a storm in March 2018 or 17, it was suppose to crush sepa and ended up giving bgm like 3’. We had 4” of snow and like 4” of sleet. That lasted a week in mid March with that sun angle. Some serious liquid in it
  7. Yea these lake effect snows with such low water content sublimate fast and melt fast. Thats why I like a good synoptic crush, get some moisture in the snow so it doesn't get wiped out in one day when it hits 40
  8. Hoping the rgem is right, that would be nice to finally get some good lake effect here Monday night
  9. Also have to remember, thats a 48hr map, cut about .5-.75 qpf off for right now according to the hrdps. It does flip over to snow later this morning in that area per hrdps. But I dunno, these warm layers are sneaky
  10. I'm not sure they accurately depict proper lift in Dgz to me it seems all temperature related
  11. I'm hoping, but have a feeling I may be a tad north, we will see. Feel like Lowville needs a bit of southerly component to the wind. Better bets for @wolfie09
  12. Hopefully this is a case as you guys have told me that usually the band sets up a bit north of modeling when push comes to shove
  13. This area might not be the best for lake effect, but the snow retention and cold is pretty solid
  14. Have to watch those low hgts north of ME that can be a shearing mechanism with those pv streamers
  15. Well you figure any i95 storm that I was cheering living down in Philly Will clobber Watertown with the sw flow aloft
  16. Watertown is doing well. Tuggies are eating up all the qpf so im getting the downsloped pity flakes. Had 1.7 overnight into early this morning.
  17. Just think 4 hours ago they were all whining about a miss, this winter is crud, blah blah. People need to relax seriously and let things play out
  18. According Nws Buffalo still going to be waiting my first lake effect event here.
  19. I'll take my 2-4" of downsloping dandy while 10 miles west gets 1-2'
  20. I’m hoping but Nws Buffalo saying nbd for lowville as all the action is in Watertown. Models all seem to put it more of a due west bad into lowville. So I have no clue
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