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Everything posted by tombo82685

  1. Not sure if I would say they don't get much. The 30 yr avg is 126". Turin didn't get much with this either per the ski resort came. Looks about the same as here.
  2. I think every area, outside of living on the tughill specifically has their niches. Here in lowville, it's obviously the downslope, but the synoptic snow is good and I'm protected against the warmth of the lake due to the tughill. So the retention up here is solid. Like cuse and wolfie get lake effect much better, they are also more prone to torch.
  3. yup, its a beautiful downslope dandy. I live closer to the adirondack then the tughill so its a double insertion. I'll have to see what is needed to get lowville to cash in. Not sure this year will be a good learning point since lake effect has been pretty meh
  4. yup, got the further south right and the middle finger dry zone over me well situated too
  5. that makes sense. That would screw wolfie though right since it would push band further inland?
  6. Yea they got nailed. Meanwhile downsloping just pretty much killed it here. There has to be some sort of recipe to get that band over the tughill. Must need more of a lake enhancement to offset the downsloped dryness
  7. looks like worth on the western end of tughill, has had 15" so far per the northern chateau pics.
  8. Just flurries here as western part of band curls up to the north missing me. Btw euro owned the RGEM in this event as it placed this further south like where it’s at now
  9. I hate you kbuf with that snow forecast. I'm going to go with 1-3" here and then flip the bird to the 3km nam and rgem.
  10. if there is no wind, it's not bad out. I've been taking long walks at night with temps in the -5 to -10 and its really not terrible.
  11. Lol no not at all. I’ve got a foot of snow on the ground. Can’t complain
  12. Sorry to hear man. Damn straight it does. I donate every opportunity I get to cancer research to find a cure for cancer.
  13. when it comes to synoptic or lake effect, I will take synoptic all day long. But outside of clippers, it has to be the 20 mile pencil streamer that we are fighting over
  14. Thats coming, as the pacific pattern shifts to December type look with the low north of japan which downstream supports Aleutian ridge and -pna. As long as the -pna isn't on roids hopefully it gives chances. This is deeper into winter so wavelengths are longer so we may see a different response. But I'm banking on some sort of gradient setting up.
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