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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. It's coming. I just changed over from sleet about 5 min ago.
  2. Should be coming my way soon then. Currently only have a covering of sleet pellets on my deck and wet roads. 30 here also.
  3. Not doing anything that I can see but there is some dusting out on the deck. Just got up to take the kid to work.
  4. Thanks for this info. My kid works at the skate rink in Frederick and has a morning shift I have to get her to.
  5. 24.4 and my left leg is acting up. And the cat is singing the song of his people downstairs at 12:50 am. I think both of those things are telling me something.
  6. 26.4/22 and saw an update to the warning timeline from 10am to 10pm changed to 7 am to 7pm
  7. Sun went down and the temp really dropped. 31/21here after a high of 37.
  8. 33.8/21 Was out getting gas and took the Ms./Miss J's with me. It was quite cold at 9 this morning.
  9. 36/20 And I was out and about today. With that wind kicking up this afternoon I think today was by far the coldest feeling day this winter.
  10. The Brine is down in the neighborhood. Mind you only on the single family county designated roads. I am in a Townhouse and my small bit of road is considered rural and does not get county maintenance.
  11. Yeah, I have a friend over in NE Loudoun Co who still follows him. Every time he mentions him, I just change the subject. Have spent to many hours of my life telling him to unfollow.
  12. 39/27 with clouds. Starting to get some light winds.
  13. Is that for real??? The number 4 is right over my house.
  14. From our family to yours *photo taken years ago kids are way grown up now
  15. I have an Ambient also. 2.74 total over here.
  16. Over 2” here 2.07” to be exact. My station will dump data at midnight but will keep an event total.
  17. 1.91” here so far. Will push over the 2” mark soon though.
  18. Ok this is just crazy. Even the oldest MsJ got snow down in DC. Absolutely nothing at our house. Here is a photo from AU campus.
  19. Seeing all these photos of snow to my North, East, West and South. My area here in SW Fred County has absolutely nothing.
  20. Frederick is delayed also. I have nothing at my house but have heard that the Northern and Eastern part of the county have snow.
  21. Yeah. In a dry patch right now. But see that band out to the West.
  22. 35.1 and from what I can see just a steady rain in my part of Frederick.
  23. 38.7 and 1.49” so far here in SW Fred Co.
  24. So was driving home from VA today on 340 heading East and saw this cloud formation. Not sure the photos show it as well but was wondering about it.
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