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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Frederick, MD 4” wet snow. 29.0/26. Sent the man out to clear the drive. Child #2 after cleaning her bathroom will be testing out her new lightning fast spinner with the neighborhood kids. Child #1 is now 15 and the thought of getting into snow gear is past her.
  2. Where again in Frederick are you? Down my way seems to be less.
  3. 28.9/27 Treated roads are staring to cave. Still only a dusting.
  4. 30.4/26 very tiny flakes falling but deck is starting to get covered.
  5. I was in Gatlinburg, TN and had no idea anything had happened until my husband texted me saying that they just had an earthquake. Then it took me close to an hour just to contact him. I am personally glad I was not at home. I experienced at 4.2 in LA, small potatoes to them out there but it is not natural to see concrete walls move back and forth. Was one of the main reasons that I told him I did not want to continue living there.
  6. Love the sled made of a Roasting pan and a belt!
  7. Here are our girls helping clean off the cars. The one in purple is sitting in the street. This is at our old house. The girls play house is on the deck. Below is a video. I am having trouble embedding it so I believe if you click on the picture, it will take you to the video.
  8. Had to dig 2 cars out at our old townhome 3 times that winter. I bow down everyday for the garage we now have.
  9. After my 10 hour drive yesterday I was fast asleep.
  10. I just got home from Gatlinburg, TN. My husband texted me saying that there was an earthquake here. I felt nothing there. Sucked that I could not get through to him till about an hour later. He got home to Frederick and said nothing was out of place.
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