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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Frederick Scanner Reports. Screenshot the area the tornado warning was. And this the exit we take off of 270 to get home.
  2. .74" of rain 71.8/69/74 currently. No damage to report at my house. The area of the Tornado warning went just to my South by about a couple of miles. Heavy blowing rain and occasional thunder and lightning. Just getting light rain now.
  3. The thunder and lightning on the back side of this storm is insane. Loud rumbling and constant flashing to my SE. It is more than when it went over my house.
  4. Actually it is to my SE near 270. But will stay on guard!
  5. Ok apparently I am under a tornado warning!
  6. Thanks! Will do. Currently cannot see the houses across the street from me.
  7. Incoming for me! Bring it!! Wring all this moisture out of the air. 85/76/98
  8. Just saw a flash and asked myself was that lightning? Then heard the thunder. Just checked radar and this storm just popped up near me.
  9. My station is out of the sun. 102.3/77/121 could have decided to just quit and is posting wacky.
  10. Would of loved to see it on TV. But being the oldest in the family I missed it by 5 years.
  11. Did not know he was there. We did the 9:30 show and the mall was packed!
  12. Ok so we sweated our cans off last night on the mall, but it was amazing at the Apollo 11 Anniversary projection. I had chills up my arms and our daughters were in awe! It was so worth it.
  13. Ok so I am tired of being cooped up in the house. So we last minute decided to take the girls down to DC. Getting an all day Metro pass and starting at the International Spy Museum. Then going back underground to shoot up north of the mall and get a bite to eat. Then back underground to the mall to see the Apollo 11 50th Anniversary show being projected on the Washington Monument tonight at 9:30. It will still be hot but at least the sun will not be baking down on us.
  14. 96/81/113 in my backyard. Tired of being cooped up inside. Taking the girls and heading down to the International Spy museum, light dinner and the Apollo 11 50th Anniversary show on the mall tonight.
  15. 9pm going out to water my deck plants. Currently 87/79/101. Plants look horrible!
  16. 12 noon my PWS. 94/75/108 SW Frederick Co.
  17. PWS @11 am 90/60/75/101 and it is in the shade currently
  18. I will believe it when I see it. Have instructed my daughters to water the gardens early to avoid melting.
  19. Yea I want to go back to Spearfish SD. We went from being outside everyday to staying cooped up inside.
  20. Hitting some downpours on 68 in Garrett Co.
  21. So we are currently on I-70 E in OH. We went from clear blue skies to gathering thick clouds. Just west of Wheeling.
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