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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. No storms close to me but just got a big thunder clap out of no where. Sun is back lighting the clouds to my East and the colors are vibrant. Getting more thunder. edited that cell to my West just popped out of no where!
  2. Getting rain now, just on the edge. Fantastic light show!
  3. Getting quite the light show over here. I am just outside of the Warning box.
  4. After leaving the jungle this morning, it is a nice change getting the breeze off the mountains.
  5. The curse of me telling my husband to bring in the catio...
  6. Watch it fizzle now I just had my husband bring the catio in off the deck
  7. Yep just came here to say the sun is out and can start to see blue skies. Currently 75/79
  8. Actually I have gotten nothing at my house. Thunder and dark skies but everything is going around me currently.
  9. Yep I did. .49” and a Rainbow
  10. Pouring here for the past 5 min. With the sun fully shining. Will look for a rainbow. Faint but yep got a full one to my east. .45” out that one pop up storm.
  11. I think I heard that it was this that blew over a lifeguard stand that killed one man.
  12. We just got a passing shower! Not much but I will take it as it has some lightning with it.
  13. Literally 1 mike to my South.
  14. Sandwiched between these two cells. Can see the lightning off the one to the South.
  15. That must be in Northern Frederick Co. I am in the SW and we could really use a good soaker down here.
  16. Thanks. I finally had to take Excedrin. I hate how it makes me feel but the pain was still to much. Hoping for a good nights sleep.
  17. Am in desperate need for a storm so I am running storm songs on my Sonos tonight.
  18. When oh when will this weather pattern change. Spent the day in the ER on Tuesday for a Migraine that would not allow me to even keep water down. Still causing me problems with my head and neck. I at no time felt like this on our trip out West. Have a massage today and that will help but can this soup just move on out already.
  19. .50 in my gauge for the day so far. With light rain falling. The cats are loving that they have windows opened up again and I a liking giving the AC a rest.
  20. Hey neighbor!! Identical amounts.
  21. That cell that is just east of downtown Frederick just put me over an inch. 1.33” currently.
  22. Also just heard on the scanner that Northbound 270 was just opened at the County Line and they are working on clearing Southbound 270 at the County Line. That was the area that was warned.
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