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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. That is what I am thinking.
  2. This was in the Baltimore Sun The order takes effect at 8 p.m. The governor said the ban includes restrictions on traveling outside of the state and riding public transportation.
  3. So I see the not traveling across state lines. My daughters pony is boarded in VA so I am assuming that we will not be able to drive over and see her? My friend who's farm she lives at does her care but we do also.
  4. Woke from a nap at about 5 to sun! Finally!
  5. Youngest daughter made this coffee cake for tomorrow with the older daughters help.
  6. Idiom Brewing Co. in Frederick is now delivering Kegs to your door. Anyone have a Kegerator?
  7. Oh it gets more nuts towards the end!
  8. Sorry to hear this. Will be thinking about you, keep us updated.
  9. PDS Tornado watch just put up out in IL, IA, MO at the triple point.
  10. Will watch episode two tonight. Apparently it gets more strange and intense every episode.
  11. Ok so decided to check out Tiger King on Netflix tonight. First episode down and wondering what the hell we are watching. Now we have to keep going to see what happens. Might need to have some drinks before starting the second episode.
  12. It is so nice out right now!
  13. So Friday is my shopping day. And I am not going to lie I was a bit worried about going. I am a Cancer Survivor going on 5 years next month, and while I did not have Chemo I did have a lot of radiation. So it does put me in the Immune Compromised camp. I was going to do the set aside hours, but my husband said he did not want me worrying and he will do the shopping. He told me I should have asked him in the first place as he does not want my anxiety to be flared up.
  14. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day.
  15. I think they are already planning on it and just not saying anything yet. Our email from FCPS stated they were waiting on approval for their plan from the State Dept. of Ed. And that online learning would start on March 30th.
  16. You will all be happy to know that along with my meal plan list things that are wanted baking wise got made.
  17. Making up my list for Friday. I think I am going to stick to my Local Co-op. We already started milk delivery and they deliver other dairy goods also.
  18. Either that or he is locking down the state. He has been quite pissed that people are still treating this like a spring break.
  19. Ok so I was just going to ignore this. As I am controlling my anxiety. But I feel this needs to be addressed. If you have kids in school you will be getting frequent updates like I am. The school systems are busy working on all ways for students to get learning. Frederick Co. is a 1:1 device school system. If you do not know what that is, every FCPS student at the start of the school year is assigned a Chromebook to be able to take home. They are polled as to who has access to internet and who does not. In fact the last day they were in before this 2 week span all students were again polled in school on internet access. For those who do not have access, Comcast is offering 2 months free to those families. And hot spots are being established. The school system is helping in anyway they can, and if the use of internet and computers is not an option they are working on paper learning that will be delivered to their homes. Our school system as well as so many others are already feeding kids Breakfast, Lunch and grab and go dinners. FCPS is up to 20 locations through out the county currently and are adding new locations daily. And this is for all students 18 and under, even if needed my kids. We already have a program for homeless students called SHIP, where donations can be made. Because believe it or not FCPS has close to 800 homeless students that attend school. I suggest next time you decide to make a blanket statement about something you may not know about you re-think and maybe ask questions first. Not all systems are the same, although they should be in my opinion. We are in unprecedented times and we are all working to make things work the best we can. I feel that many new things will be learned because we were forced to find options that work. Even my husband who works at a Video game company who was told he could never work from home due to not being on their work secure network, now has his system at home and is waiting on one last piece of hardware to allow him to connect to the internet through the secure work server. In fact the entire company told everyone to work from home and have bent over backwards to keep all out of the office and at home with whatever they need to work. So things can be done that we have though could not be done prior to this. If we all work together I feel things will get done for the better.
  20. Yea we just got a message from FCPS. Distance learning is being worked on and once the State Dept of Ed signs off on it the start date will be March 30th. They are saying that the date to be out till is March 27th but they are also saying that they expect it to change.
  21. On another note. So the husband and I are going to order curb side pick up from one of our favorite Peruvian restaurants. And not only are they offering curbside wine bottle and beer pick up but cocktails. We are going to order to go Pisco Sours and feed the kids spaghetti.
  22. Hanging in there. Wish the sun was out more.
  23. Our local Co-op The Common Market has shut down their hot and salad bar. For good reason I think.
  24. So sorry to hear of your loss. They will always hold a place in our hearts.
  25. Holy wind and rain! You can hear it howling.
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