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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Not exactly. I will not be responsible for the learning content. Which is for the best. Being Dyslexic I have my own issues still.
  2. I will not Homeschool. I am already hitting a wall with the youngest Miss J. And she will be in HS next year. The older Miss J. has it all under control. But honestly there would be two bloody bodies on the kitchen floor if I have to even try to get the younger to do what she needs to.
  3. Pouring over here. Have the window op as it smells nice and fresh.
  4. Went with comfort food tonight. BBQ Mini meatloafs with green beans and mashed potatoes.
  5. You got that right! Thought I do not begrudge someone who does the instant ones. I used to eat those too when younger.
  6. @leesburg 04 guess what I am making to go with dinner tonight.
  7. One of our cats is burrowing under the covers and freaking the crap out of her brother on the end of the bed.
  8. My 8th grader who was having a absolute crap year due to girl drama actually said she wanted to be able to go back. But I think it was that she wants to see her teachers. The 10th grader wants to go back because as much as she likes being home, she is better with in class instruction. It will be weird in the fall as the 8th grader is moving up to HS. Hope that she will get to check out the school as she has anxiety. Will have to see what plan the system comes up with for going back in the fall.
  9. I am glad that I am able to help. That particular dish is just vial!
  10. I just made some fried potatoes. Those may work.
  11. Knew it was coming and fine with it. The 2 Miss J's have been doing very well with their virtual learning, Mr. J and I have been happy with the type of work they have been getting. And our district in FCPS has been chosen for a pilot project that allows face to face video.
  12. Did I hear my name called... Here are some cranberry orange scones. This weird cool weather had me in a tea and scones mood.
  13. Don't knock that! I love just mashed potatoes for dinner with lots of butter melted all over them.
  14. That is what we say. My husband has made ours for years and they taste so much better!
  15. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
  16. Just saw this on Twitter and and going to put it in my calendar. Posting it as I though others on here might enjoy watching. Mr. Tornado (The story of Ted Fujita's Tornado science)
  17. Cuban Arroz Con Pollo with a Daiquiri.
  18. Making some grilled Mustard Potato salad to go with Brats and Kraut tonight right now. It is a new recipe but wanted a more German style taste. Has a lot of vinegar in it.
  19. Not sure why they have that name but they have a whole can of Hershey's syrup (which I grew up calling Chocolate Dope, it is an OH thing) in them and nuts. To die for! Iowa Brownies Texas Sheet Cake
  20. Thanks! This is one of my favorite recipes. Reminds me of growing up and my grandparents had a cottage on a lake in MI. We would go up for the weekends and my grandmother either had a Texas Sheet Cake or Iowa Brownies made. It makes a lot and is oh so good!
  21. Ask and ye shall receive. Have seen that recipe reviewed on Kalen Reacts. Watch this That's Just Nasty That is not even quality drunk food!!! Now this Texas Sheet cake just made by my youngest Miss J should take that abomination right out of your minds.
  22. After that line went through last night ended the day with 1.99" yesterday.
  23. Wow that line came out of no where for me. Pouring here.
  24. 1.86” and the rain has finally stopped.
  25. 11:36am 1.23" with steady rain
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