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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Looks good to me! Sounds delicious.
  2. This is how much I am missing a good Thunderstorm.
  3. Crispy Thai Pork with Cucumber Sake. Totally forgot to put the cucumber salad I made along side. Still very good and will have the salad tomorrow.
  4. Oh that sucks! The oldest Miss J is not taking any AP but will be doing Dual Enrollment in the fall. Students here got grades for 3rd term. So that is why we opted for them in 4th term.
  5. So got the news this week that even though the MD state superintendent did not give FCPS the 12 day waiver they were looking for, only got the 5 day with the last day on June 17. FCPS has decided to stop distance learning as of this Friday June 5th. All next week kids who are behind will get to catch up and then they all will get a reflection assignment on how distance learning worked or did not work for them. So as of this Friday the 2 Miss J's will be done with the 19/20 school year. We have opted for traditional grades vs. P/INCO.
  6. 93 in my back yard with a dew of 68. Have closed the blinds to keep the cool air in. So wanting some rain though.
  7. While not directly in my backyard. Spent the last two days helping our friends, where we board the younger Miss J’s pony. Put in fencing for a “Health and wellness” paddock, aka a dry lot. Glad we got the use of a post driver as the ground was hard as a rock.
  8. Pandora Thunderstorm station to fall asleep again. This is the only way I get my storm lately.
  9. Taking advantage of this beautiful day to help put in a new fence line for a dry lot for the ponies at the friends farm we board at. My friend got a hold of a post driver finally. Want to get it done before it turns nasty on Wednesday. It is much needed as the ponies are getting fat and not liking muzzles.
  10. Heads up! Another new recipe dinner coming up tonight! Opa!!
  11. Incoming. On the Southern end of the line warning.
  12. Watch just put up till 9pm.
  13. Hope all is well! Glad to have you back. We saw them last night.
  14. Currently in my back yard. 85/68/74
  15. This old lady brain is just forgetting what day it is.
  16. Love that it is so quick and easy. And no oven required in this nasty sauna.
  17. Salsa verde chicken quesadilla with a sour beer.
  18. Ok who turned on the humidity tap. Only 80 out and sweat was running down my back. Better get some rain out of this.
  19. I watched that line coming in last night on a live feed on FB. Impressive!
  20. Is it a racing barn or a Hunter/Jumper, Eventing or Dressage barn? My daughters current large pony mare is half Thoroughbred. Her mom was a TB and her sire raced at Laurel. His name was Smart Alec. And hearing you say you are pulling wire am guessing you are an Electrician. My dad is a retired Electrician his dad, my grandfather was also an Electrician, and one of my brothers is an Electrician.
  21. OH I bet it is nice. Probably a pretty penny also. I guessing board is pretty pricey there also.
  22. Yep went through something similar myself. Had a lumpectomy and reduction all in one go. Had to do it that way really as after radiation no breast surgeon would touch the radiated side. Glad to here you mom is strong and got through it. And hoping for a speedy recovery.
  23. Just finished watching Mr Tornado. If you did not get a chance to see it you should. Very fascinating and the older Miss J said so.
  24. We just got an email this morning about pool opening date. They are shooting for June 13th. Apparently Frederick Co. came out yesterday and it passed inspection but our community is waiting on the MD state restrictions to be lifted. About a month ago the pool company reached out to our neighborhood looking for kids who were certified for Lifeguarding. They want to staff with as many community kids as possible. And help with summer jobs. So sounds like they have enough lifeguards on staff if there is a projected opening date.
  25. On tonight! The older Miss J and myself plan on getting comfortable on the couch and geeking out!
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