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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. A shot from last year this day. Forgot about it.
  2. Thanks. I actually grew up with a lot of doubt I could do anything. I am Dyslexic. My mom was told by the school system I grew up in I was not bad enough to be tested. She finally took me to my Eye Dr. who at the time diagnosed me with a Left/Right reversal and lack of comprehension. Which I have now found out is on the Dyslexic spectrum. I struggled all through school except with art and music. And any class that was hands on. I was the only girl in my Industrial Arts class aka Shop that could take apart a Brigs and Stratton single stroke lawnmower engine, clean it, put it back together and make it run like it was new. I got through college because I changed my major to Fine Arts. It has taken me quite sometime to be comfortable in my own skin. All the things I excel at are hands on. But I have finally gotten to that point. And being able to share all that I can do with everyone here and with my family is great!
  3. So I am not just a baker/cook. I tend to be a jack of all trades. Over the years I have spent time and money getting my back garden organized so that it could be a vase garden. This year it has exploded with all my work. Here is my first vase bouquet from my yard.
  4. So sorry to hear this. My brother who lives in OH and is an essential employee tested positive. He did not have any issues but we were worried as he has underlying conditions. It is a nasty virus that picks and chooses and that is what is scary about it.
  5. So on the baking front today. Warm front all the way with the making of tortilla chips. The two Miss J's down tortilla chips like chocolate so in an attempt to save money found this recipe that is so easy. Sealed Chips last for over a week fresh and crispy. Baked Tortilla Chips
  6. If you do you can find this pink haired lady. Also if you like writers check out @jnjoneswriter. Mr. J writes flash fiction and has won many awards for it. It is dark but also funny.
  7. Told her to do that and the look I got from her was of you are crazy!
  8. Totally remember that! My mom would make it with grilled cheese and would dip it into the soup. Although I always preferred the fat noodles over the stars, something about being able to slurp them up. I usually am a soup snob but I know when the good old condensed salty canned chicken soup is needed. The soup helped her gums relax from the braces so will need to keep a couple of cans on hand for adjustments.
  9. So went to our first horse show since March today. Absolutely beautiful weather, and some nice outside time. Several people wore masks, those who did not I just kept my distance. Pretty easy to do at this farm as it is very spread out. The youngest Miss J got her braces put on this morning and in hind sight maybe should have taken it easy. She rode well but did admit that her mouth was bothering her quite a lot. Pulled out the condensed chicken noodle soup for this job and a bowl of fresh made pudding.
  10. Getting in on the end of this line.
  11. As my girls would say. Squeeeeeeeeel!!
  12. I have never made a gooseberry pie. We get them with our CSA so will have to try that this year. Mr J usually uses them to infuse vodka.
  13. Strawberry Rhubarb pie.
  14. Second time making Paella. Mr. J requested. Very prep intensive but oh so good!
  15. 2.13" in my backyard currently. Still raining but not pouring. Flood warning just issued for my area in SW Frederick Co.
  16. Rain let up about 30 min ago. But still raining. Current measurement in my back yard is 2.12" and a Flood Warning was just issued.
  17. Not much. Currently just went over 1"
  18. Yes I am just S of 340 and looks like we are under some training here. Still pouring.
  19. Sky just opened up here. Pouring finally!
  20. In this instance yes it is. It boarders on bullying. Don’t get you way you hide behind words. But then again you have probably done that your whole life. I have tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but when you continue to act like a petulant child that is where my line is drawn. And I am making Pallea today as Mr. J has asked for it. Photo later.
  21. Wow! Seriously? I have held back on you for sometime now. But this was totally uncalled for. If you want to disagree then fine, but to laugh out loud at someone on an online forum??? Excuse my French but what a dick move.
  22. Looks like this will be my thunderstorm again tonight.
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