Thanks. I actually grew up with a lot of doubt I could do anything. I am Dyslexic. My mom was told by the school system I grew up in I was not bad enough to be tested. She finally took me to my Eye Dr. who at the time diagnosed me with a Left/Right reversal and lack of comprehension. Which I have now found out is on the Dyslexic spectrum. I struggled all through school except with art and music. And any class that was hands on. I was the only girl in my Industrial Arts class aka Shop that could take apart a Brigs and Stratton single stroke lawnmower engine, clean it, put it back together and make it run like it was new. I got through college because I changed my major to Fine Arts. It has taken me quite sometime to be comfortable in my own skin. All the things I excel at are hands on. But I have finally gotten to that point. And being able to share all that I can do with everyone here and with my family is great!