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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Drought observation. I think it is bad where I live. Was at a horse show yesterday out near Bluemont VA. We were letting the horses “graze”. Put that in quotes because they had to paw at the ground to expose the grass roots and were eating those. There is nothing worth any substance above that. The amount of hay that is having to be thrown this summer is equal to the winter when the grass has died off. It is bad. And don’t even ask me about hay prices.
  2. Just got a nice .26” in the gauge. Had one CG strike just before it started pouring.
  3. Yep line kind of weakened out. At this point will take what we can get. Actually just got a nice CG strike out my front.
  4. Pretty beefy line coming in. Not counting my chickens before they hatch still.
  5. Wow that one lightning strike just to my SW just made us all jump!
  6. I am watching it also, seems to be heading NE but there is some stuff slightly West. Will see if it holds up to here.
  7. No rain for me. That last line up to my North fizzled. My consultation prize though was an erie yellow covered sky.
  8. Pretty dry over here. Potomac is very low.
  9. Was watching those storms up from VA and the minute they got to Leesburg they went Poof! Looks like another night of watering the deck plants.
  10. Windy over here in SW Frederick Co MD also. Just stepped outside as did not realize how windy.
  11. 91/79 feels like 109. House all closed up makes it so dark inside. I am taking care of my daughter’s trainers horses until tomorrow morning. Even waiting till 7 pm for a cool down but does not matter.
  12. Another day of waking up in a swamp. 77/95
  13. Oldest kid has been doing dog walk drop ins this week. Today was brutal. She just got back from the night walk Said it was horrible out at 9:30. So I just stepped out onto the deck. I can confirm it is nasty out. 84 feels like it is 95.
  14. Our near Bluemont VA. Checking in on the youngest at a house sitting job. Under a big cell dumping water on us.
  15. Front went through. Absolutely glorious out right now. Humidity dropped and nice breeze.
  16. Probably did. My event total is 3.13” down here.
  17. Wow! Glad it was not worse. The lightning was especially intense with that first line last night. Saw quite a few cloud to ground. We have whole house surge protection in our panel but the kids unplugged their PC’s and I took my laptop off the charger just in case. Keep us updated on the damage.
  18. Understand your frustration. To be fair my area was one of those areas that had been in what was called a Flash Drought. Weird term when used so had to looked it up. And while we did not need the amount of rain that came down in the short span we needed it bad. The last measurable rain was way back before we went on vacation. It has been bad up here. While I have watched North and East of me get rain. I am out this morning as the older kid has a pet sitting drop in. The grass has gone from burnt brown to a yellow green. Flooding got really bad up here last night. But I think what worries me more is that was this it for a while? Will we go right back to dry conditions like last summer? Here is hoping you get your much needed rain like I did last night. But just not all in 4 hours.
  19. Round 2 incoming. Lightning ahead of it is just as intense.
  20. Understandable. Have been on that side of a storm many times.
  21. Holy crap! Just had a huge lightning strike on the other side of our neighborhood. Lightning is just insane tonight.
  22. Officially over 2”. 2.04”
  23. I am sitting right under the training.
  24. 1.61” here so far. Definitely sitting under a training line.
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