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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Good luck to you. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity!
  2. Had a brief shower here while I was gone, 0.13". But the sky has looked quite dramatic all day over here. The contrast of the lime green early budding on the trees and the redbuds against the monochromatic grey clouds with pops of blue is a very nice composition.
  3. 78 with 62% humidity. I don’t usually put the AC this early in the season, but with a 3 story TH and very little breeze I put it on. Only so that the 3rd level with the bedrooms will be cool enough to sleep tonight.
  4. 61 over here in SW Fred Co. Have windows open and fans going in all rooms. Inside temp on house is 75.
  5. Ok tried that. Still to big. Never used to have an issue with posting photos. Will have to look into it more. In the weather front have a change of wind direction now from out of the SW to now the NE. Down to 63 from 74.
  6. Well if I could would post the photos I just took of a devolving storm over here. I have issues with getting the image size small enough so if anyone knows how to downsize a photo taken with IPhone let me know.
  7. Thanks that is what I have been reading. I know where my house is we can sometimes be a bit sheltered but did not realize about a later pick up.
  8. Came here to ask who has got the high winds yet as it was pretty calm here. But they have shown up a bit while typing. Just put the catio out but may have to haul it back in. Currently clear skies and 71.
  9. We had so many issues in the past that we actually went a step further and installed a whole house surge suppressor on our panel. Has been a good investment.
  10. Have a line of what looks like gusty showers pushing through right now. Currently 62.
  11. Getting some late night action over here. Just got a T-storm warning. Decent lighting and just starting to hear some thunder.
  12. Oh wow the sun just came out from behind that line and it a beautiful!
  13. Solid line up here right now. Pouring.
  14. Not a soccer fan but that was a fun watch. The English transplant older Ms. J was supposed to attend a Premiere League Football match last month. But they went and watched a Premier League Rugby match instead.
  15. Sitting at 1.35” so far and the sky just opened up.
  16. Big fat flakes just started here
  17. Just hit 70 here. Had to take the cat to school for the PreVet class and it is beautiful out!
  18. 41 here. If any sign of warmer temps the birds are all talking early in the morning.
  19. 41 with light sleet over here in Frederick Co.
  20. Thanks for this. E'ring on the side of caution as I would have been pulling a 1200lb. horse by himself, so would have had an unbalanced load, total 6500 load across 340 we decided that it was just not worth it. My friend who's truck and trailer I would have been using told me that over in Lovettesville their new EV truck was getting blown around so made the right decision. My daughter is going to reschedule and did a 180 to have me gather up tack and riding clothing for her to present with a last minute slide show.
  21. Ok have some questions about today's weather and I think this is the best place to ask. This week is FFA week at the youngest Miss J's school. I am supposed to be trailering over the horse she is riding from Lovettesville, VA this afternoon for a presentation at 2:30 here in SW Frederick Co. Have gotten the Wind advisory update and have heard about possible storms. I am trying to decide if I will be good to trailer over for the presentation or will I be dealing with gusty winds and storms in that time frame.
  22. It is insane! When the amount came through US on her card I was surprised it was so cheep. For 2! It is such a wonderful experience for these kids. She is in England till the end of May. She is having an amazing time!
  23. Ok I may be a little bit jealous. The older Ms. J has been in England now for about 3 weeks. Today she just booked her travel break destinations. Flight from London to Berlin, train from Berlin to Amsterdam, then flight from Amsterdam to London. She gets 10 days and one of her classmates is going with her. And let me say her ticket for her flight, which she was able to book as a round trip for 2 adults, was way cheaper than even a single adult ticket here. And they found out their train tickets are discounted as they are under age 27.
  24. Have the kid out riding today 58 currently just south of Lovettesville. We are so used to this time of year no riding at all due to frozen ground. Or finding an indoor which is just out of the elements but still an ice box. Also when crossing the Potomac at Brunswick the trees right along the bank are fully budding. And the cottonwood was flying.
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