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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. 98/62 made the cat come in from the catio as it is in full sun.
  2. 79/40 Loving it! Am not looking forward to hot temps returning on Sunday.
  3. Thanks! They got word yesterday that it was not that bad at their place. The are waiting a couple of days to head back as they take 75S to get home and want to make sure all is clear on the route.
  4. Thanks they are on their way and almost to Atlanta to my sisters house.
  5. 77 and mostly cloudy. With the trees done pretending that they need to stay green with the lack of rain and starting to change behind the house it feels like a proper early fall evening.
  6. My parents are now under a mandatory evacuation in Manatee County for Level A. I think they will be heading to my sisters in Atlanta like last year.
  7. My mom just sent me this.
  8. Just had a nice 2 min downpour. The cell had looked more robust just before it got to my house. Would have liked some noise with it but will not complain with getting some rain.
  9. Small pop up all day. Got our second double rainbow of the week out of this last one just a few minutes ago.
  10. Yep. Getting a direct hit with a cell right over my house currently.
  11. I am seeing lightning flashes off of those storms in Southern MoCo.
  12. Absolutely stunning double rainbow over here. Honestly these photos do not show the brilliance of color of this.
  13. I am over the moon happy with the storm I got here. All I wanted was a good amount of rain. It has been so dry over here and while I will miss that extra stuff coming out of WV I got 1.57” out of that line. My grass and flower beds bow down to the storm gods in praise. And for a bonus got some decent wind, thunder and lightning. One strike was well after the line had moved past. Now I just need a storm at night. Sorry to see that some had major damage or lost power. I hope that the clean up and time without goes quick.
  14. My daughter has a friend from school who lives in York. She said there is an electrical pole on fire near her.
  15. The lightning on the back side of the line is still going strong. Getting a show still here.
  16. @yoda Thanks! Also raining coming to an end here. 1.56” in my station. Temp down to 68.
  17. That initial line punch came from the NW into here. Now looking on the back side of that bow stuff is moving up from the SW and will dump some more on me. 1.16" currently and still coming down.
  18. That tornado warning just popped up on my radar South of Philomont.
  19. Nope no go. It is telling me that my file would exceed the total allowed size of 8.978kB, and was skipped.
  20. I have tried that and other options no go. We are about to get smacked here!
  21. Wow the line is advancing on my house. The colors are crazy! I would post a photo but I can never make it small enough to post.
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