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Everything posted by Mrs.J

  1. Some rumbles and lightning. Caught me by surprise as I thought we were done for the day.
  2. So I just got back from my trip up to Carlisle. Rain and wind all the way down Rt. 15. Got to the exit for 340 and hit that line. Dumped buckets and caused minor ponding all along Ballenger Creek Pike. Back home and my station is at .54”.
  3. Currently 57 and cloudy. While I know we need the rain the planned drive up to Carlisle, PA today to take the younger college kid for a knee MRI and I am not looking forward to driving up and back Rt. 15 with it.
  4. Rude morning temps. Have been doing farm sitting all last week. Today is the last day and a temp of 21 with a feels like of 10 the barn duties took way longer than they have. Have to go back this afternoon for the last feed and prepped all the food to just dump and throw hay out and leave. Non heated water buckets are frozen over so will top off the heated buckets.
  5. I am planing on taking advantage of this week and doing my winter pruning. Catmint and Liriope need to be cut back.
  6. That line came through. Had a decent downpour. Wind has kicked up now. Starting to get twigs tossed up against the back of the house.
  7. Snow is barely covering grass surfaces. Even though it is 28 the roads and sidewalks barely have a dusting on them. And they were not treated. Have had a steady snow since around 4. I know we were on the low end anyways but just interesting to see with the temps thought the roads would be more covered.
  8. Seeing some light flurries up here in SW Frederick Co. just now.
  9. Oldest Ms. J down in Tenleytown said it just started snowing.
  10. The oldest Ms. J is a student at American U. Just got notice that campus is closing early at 2pm today. She only had one morning class so it does not effect her much. Although she is pet sitting at a house in Chevy Chase and the people are supposed to fly in later today. They have her on standby to stay an extra night if needed.
  11. I no longer have children in FCPS MD but going off of prior afternoon start times of snow, even with a lower chance up here today, we have in the past had busses go off the mountain roads. Also even with a 3.5 hr early dismissal it still counts as a full day of instruction. So as long as they made the parents happy I think they will be fine with their decision.
  12. This is what Mr J. is going to do. He works in Rockville and I told him to take my car just in case. His MX 5 would not be ideal with slippery roads.
  13. Eyeballing out my window looks to be around 5”. Will check when Mr. J goes out to clear the drive.
  14. I am not surprised as I am watching the neighbor kid clean off his car to go who knows where in this.
  15. Wow visibility within my own neighborhood has just gone down. I can see the house right across the street from me. But I cannot see the houses across the park that is right across from me.
  16. What would interest me is all the people who decided to head out thinking it was not going to happen. Hope they are not stuck on the roads.
  17. Temp went down from 33 to 32 and big fat flakes are dumping for about the last 15 min. All lawn surfaces caved quickly. Pavement is just starting to go.
  18. I am just off the traffic circle on Ballanger Creek Pike and Elmer Derr Rd. Snow has really tapered off. Just wet surfaces here. Getting slight up ticks in my rain gauge showing .08 up from .06. Sitting at 33.
  19. My husband and I commented on it being a wet snow vs drier. It is snowing pretty good but no sticking to grass or pavement. Kind of like a March snow. Still pretty to watch.
  20. Moderate snow just started here. 34 currently. Mr. J and I are empty nesters again today so going to do a brunch with GF cheddar biscuits and poached eggs. Then starting some Slow Cooker Pork Chili Verde because tis the day for some yummy soup. Enjoy Mother Natures curve balls and enjoy the day with others.
  21. Will be interesting to watch this one in real time. One kid down in DC, me here in Frederick and other kid up in Carlisle PA. Tenleytown 36 Ballanger Creek 34 Carlisle 32
  22. So update. My parents hear from the manager of their neighborhood this morning. Their home is fine. Only lost two trees out front. Could have been way worse. The whole area is without power and so not have a timeframe for when it will be back.
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