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About Mrs.J

  • Birthday March 17

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Frederick, MD (21703 Ballenger Creek) FK042

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  1. OHHH what a throwback! Complete with the music.
  2. Small cell just popped up over me. Pretty good downpour.
  3. My event is showing . 47 not too bad.
  4. Lightning and thunder from this latest batch.
  5. Line has finally pushed East. Pouring over here.
  6. Kid up in Carlisle had to run back to her dorm from the dining hall. Could hear the thunder over the phone.
  7. 75 over on Furnace Mountain in VA This rain forecast all day has been tough. But decided to leave my friend’s Minis naked in hopes that any rain we may get will be brief. They have a shed roof they can get under.
  8. Just leaving Carlisle and saw the Tornado Watch up till 7 pm so just passed it along to the kid.
  9. So both Ms. J’s are heading back to their campus today. The DC kid just left to get dropped at Shady Grove for her metro trip to Tenleytown. The PA kid we are watching for when we need to head up to Carlisle. I see the Meso Discussion for Western PA, Eastern OH and WV. Is there any other discussions for further East in PA that I need to be aware of? Also is there any ideas of any discussions for Central MD and NoVA as I am taking care of a friend's farmette and have an afternoon/ early evening feed to do. Thanks!
  10. Some rumbles and lightning. Caught me by surprise as I thought we were done for the day.
  11. So I just got back from my trip up to Carlisle. Rain and wind all the way down Rt. 15. Got to the exit for 340 and hit that line. Dumped buckets and caused minor ponding all along Ballenger Creek Pike. Back home and my station is at .54”.
  12. Currently 57 and cloudy. While I know we need the rain the planned drive up to Carlisle, PA today to take the younger college kid for a knee MRI and I am not looking forward to driving up and back Rt. 15 with it.
  13. Rude morning temps. Have been doing farm sitting all last week. Today is the last day and a temp of 21 with a feels like of 10 the barn duties took way longer than they have. Have to go back this afternoon for the last feed and prepped all the food to just dump and throw hay out and leave. Non heated water buckets are frozen over so will top off the heated buckets.
  14. I am planing on taking advantage of this week and doing my winter pruning. Catmint and Liriope need to be cut back.
  15. That line came through. Had a decent downpour. Wind has kicked up now. Starting to get twigs tossed up against the back of the house.
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