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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. Curious when you say Western Loudoun are you talking western western or just to the west of 15 so technically western?
  2. Pretty sure we need to ban "log book" that got old fast. I was excited to see a bunch of pages in here only to find a bunch of log book references and mentions of that storm that created Ji
  3. Sticking with my 5.6" call from yesterday for mby with some amazing consistency with some of these models give or take some wobbles. Has Woodbridge to Fredericksburg ever NOT been in the bullseye with this thing? That type of long run hit is what we all wish for. Congrats guys enjoy the snow.
  4. 26.5 this morning wondering if the colder push makes it souther? Good luck everyone i was supposed to drive to northern jersey today but postponed my meeting...hopefully around another storm so I can postpone again.
  5. 27.0 going to bed after My 600lb life is over
  6. Nice nam run ill take it. 27.1
  7. That was an ugly nam pbp with a Chuck hrrr analysis thrown in the middle lol
  8. He lives in North Carolina now
  9. Lol I was there first then Aviationdv moved in then Ji. For a time there was 3 of us in one neighborhood so we couldn't lie about our snow totals like everyone else does. My house was the highest elevation so I always won.
  10. Well you know how much it costs now lol
  11. 36.9 almost a 3 degree drop in 30 minutes.
  12. That has to be the most consistent set of runs i can ever recall
  13. I thought Loudoun was #1 for the last 5 years or so
  14. Yeah over in Aldie light (South Riding) the average home price is like 1.2 million. Lots of tech, medical out that way then west towards Middleburg is all horse and old money. Up towards Leesburg there's still plenty of people who park their school bus in the front yard. I'm pretty sure Ji doesn't even mow his lawn
  15. Yeah that whole corridor from South Riding over to Middleburg is large and in charge with property taxes. When i owned my house in Leesburg it was expensive but here is obnoxious
  16. lol nope...sadly higher down here
  17. So far the last few winters my move from Leesburg to Aldie has not resulted in any lost snow and in fact i may be ahead this year. In case most don't know where Aldie is I'm basically at the far northern tip of where Prince Willian County meets Loudoun...just a bit to the north and right of there in Loudoun County...get on 50 west and drive almost to 15.
  18. Lawd baby jeebus please let one of these hit the far NE crew with warning level snows.
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