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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. The sad thing is that you're serious about it being a bad run
  2. Gonna be fun watching all of the creative ways we try to talk ourselves out of this one.
  3. Dang CWG just showed the euro run on FB. Seems a bit early to hype up the masses....I thought that was Jay's Wintry Mix's job
  4. Ji IM'd me and said meh it's a step back from 0z
  5. Anyone remember how beautiful those ensembles were about a week ago for the storm we just had? Yeah i didn't think so
  6. Some of you aren't going to make it if this thing waffles over the next 5 days....because that never happens
  7. I know it's what we do but now that last night established the bar let the paralysis by analysis begin. Remember boys don't turn around your shadow is following you. BOO!!
  8. Trends on what model the AI and GFS? Come on man at least wait for the Hrrr to get jumpy lol
  9. You've said that for years and it's never really been a thing. I know what you're saying but I don't believe it's true. You're too easily influenced by bad runs. Even you have said the AI is trash but now it's affecting your mood.
  10. Lol you guys are insane talking about jumping ship a week out.
  11. What needs to get better on each model
  12. Random...I made a silly response on IFLS on FB and so far it has 5,400 likes. I told my kids i was famous . It made me think how connected we all really are with this crazy internet thingy, it's pretty amazing when you think about it. Anyway my 15 minutes of fame has now occurred guess it's all downhill from here
  13. Don't forget about us poor folks in the middle who are on the line of missing the jack to our SE but close enough to get a more respectable total vs the desolate souls to the NW. Middle children need love too
  14. I like how the purple pokes into Loudoun to say hi to me
  15. Lol way to sneak your picture in there
  16. Your anxiety is showing you might want to up your dosage
  17. Pretty surprised to see the snow cover survived the rain let's see how much can stay from the warm day
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