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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. These two emoji have always made me cringe
  2. Rain at 33 assuming my rain thing is accurate 0.28 so far
  3. Anyway the new Captain America movie was decent. Looks like a bunch of good movies coming out May-July. I read Denzel is making Equalizer 4...I love that series!
  4. According to you it has already started right?
  5. All I see is pink on every model and all I read is whaaaa not enough pink over me. And again many of you have no clue what the word trend means
  6. Do you really believe that or did you forget to take your pill today
  7. Just finished watching the new Captain America at Alamo...catching up here and some of you are just some miserable mf'ers. Good luck wherever you live...maybe.
  8. We could end up close to a 30" winter if that happens
  9. This feels like that internet meme making fun of weathermen where it says chance of snow anywhere from 0-70" i think our envelope right now is 4-15" and anything in between is on the table
  10. It's funny because they've been in our forum from the start and obviously mitch lived in Lithium Maryland but in general those 3 are just part of this forum. Outside of you and a few others they're the most panicky of the group though
  11. Just finished catching up from last night. It was funny to see Ralph shit the bed on the Canadian. The euro pbp was a blast. This morning Mitch and Heisy are doing their best to show everyone how much their shadow scares them. This place is the best even after all of these years. Edit: and to watch Ji desperately trying to get anyone to agree with his eyore takes. The man hasn't broken character in 25 years....does anyone really believe he's not like this in real life?
  12. Wow that's insane...you've expanded the operation
  13. When did you get out of prison? J/k been awhile since I've seen you post
  14. Lol what are we even doing
  15. Ha...it was mostly because i procrastinated on making reservations and that was the only time open but i'm not going to lie...I'm not mad about being home and comfy right now.
  16. My wife and I had dinner at 4:30 it was awesome to beat the rush.
  17. isn't that low still pretty south for the pivot to already have passed?
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