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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. Just finished going to the gym then grocery shopping now gonna get ready to veg all day in preparation for the big game tonight and something else going on...i forget. .oh yeah SNOW! I sorta like where my area sits right now based on the models
  2. My wife bought me one of those decorative snow measuring yard ornaments a few years back. First year we got nothing and I felt stupid having it out last year we got those two storms in January and it was fun to look at but it wasn't a ton of snow. I've been hesitant to put it out this year but I think I'm going to do it today. Hopefully I don't jinx this thing. #SKOL Vikes!
  3. That 6z gfs map looks like the old classic north and west snowfall up and down the coast. Could be a fun and torturous week of tracking
  4. Damn it's 11 degrees before a snowstorm...did I move to Alaska?
  5. I appreciate that you were a good sport with the ribbing...have a good trip
  6. Isn't the HRRR only good about 2-3 hours ahead at best?
  7. I don't know about anyone else but the pbp in the snow thread makes me nauseous
  8. The Maryland flag is a nice touch lol
  9. Chuck says enjoy Monday it will all be melted by Friday
  10. Dang he's been gone since May i hope everything is ok
  11. What happened to @WinterWxLuvrhe is our other Vikings fan
  12. You literally just went shopping at the dollar store damaged goods bin to choose the two models to compare
  13. That's why the pbp was so silent from the nam guy
  14. Temp going nowhere fast 28
  15. I forget was the ICON the furthest south?
  16. Curious what does this model give you vs the Euro?
  17. Yeah this nam basically canceled the storm for Nova
  18. NAM consistently giving Ji and Terps a sleet bomb is concerning
  19. Tracking the snow has actually been a nice distraction leading up to the game i just know my 8am meeting on Monday I'm not turning my camera on because I'll look like death warmed over
  20. Nice work keeping Ashburn in the swath after the 20 mile shift north
  21. 25 with a nice solid coating of snow...I love waking up and seeing the ground white.
  22. @MN Transplant i guess we sleep all day Sunday until about 8pm?
  23. These model runs are some of the most torturous reads on this site that I can remember. There's always been an IMBY thing but some of these new youngens are pretty f'ing annoying
  24. That was a fun day let's do it again!
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