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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. I wasted about 0.08 before it became real snow
  2. 31.6 winding down now. Snow is pasted to everything and it's absolutely gorgeous out. If the cold does materialize then easily going to have 3 consecutive weeks of snow cover
  3. A lesson i learned many years ago is i don't look at radar once the snow starts. It just creates too much anxiety and I couldn't enjoy what was falling worrying about the backedge. Radar worriers tend to ruin events.
  4. Backyard looks like a Thomas Kinkade painting
  5. This is like the February 2010 ULL pass just absolutely destroying and blinding
  6. Finally at 32.0 time for some real accumulating snow lol
  7. Longest sustained moderate to heavy in quite some time. The HRR might have been wrong here sorry Will
  8. Crappy start this morning but once it switched around 12:30 then figured out precip type it has been fast and furious. It won't be high end totals but there will be totals
  9. My sister ended up with around 5" she said it just stopped a little bit ago
  10. Still steady moderate total accumulation no longer relevant to me I'm just happy to have good snow falling and covering what had melted
  11. Pretty steady moderate snow/stuff accumulating well on everything
  12. Dumping snow 32.5 everything covered ...beautiful scenery
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