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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. This won't pile up very fast at this rate
  2. A little bit of flurry action in Aldie
  3. Too late your name is already attached to this
  4. Man those are some serious thunderstorms in the Florida panhandle, wonder what that does to the storm later. First batch of moisture from the west seems a little north of where i thought it would be but as this thing appears to sink south and east it sure looks like an outer banks far se Virginia storm. I'd be super thankful for anything i'm getting right now because later looks sketch to me for down around Richmond and west....but what do i know it's all radar hallucinations coming from me.
  5. Can we get this shit done by the morning of March 3rd please
  6. Man it's chilly out this morning 17.1 with virga overhead. Cautiously pessimisticly waiting for snow.
  7. What kind of sandwich did you get?
  8. I did my homework just in case they aren't wrong
  9. 22.5 patiently waiting for my snow
  10. Crazy uncle coming a bit north as well?
  11. I'm always here in some form or fashion lol
  12. Bottom line regardless of how much... everything has shifted NW a bit at 12z. Who knows if it does anymore later or at gametime but here we are
  13. We should call this storm the brine verifier
  14. I guess if it is going to be super cold with any amount of precip falling the roads could get slick in spots. So far even the no good ICON was pretty close to getting the half inch line up to my backyard. I guess we have a little bit of time to see if this thing can make just a little more jog north or even better get others to show a capture
  15. I just looked up where you live now...yeeks...do you have an accent now so you can fit in?
  16. I mean you sort of have a vested interest in some NW movement of the snow line right?
  17. RIGHT....the 3k's wheelhouse is like 4 hours the 12k's wheelhouse is at least 3 times that!!
  18. That seems like a jump north as well
  19. Dang even SOUTH Bel Air gets screwed....I feel even worse for people in NORTH Bel Air
  20. The way all of the models performed with this one early on your statement is spot on for pretty much all of them.
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