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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. And then you have that certain someone lurking waiting for that one op run of the gfs showing warm and then he posts 15 times between 3-5am
  2. People with zero comedic sense trying to be funny as trolls. It's boring actually
  3. 48 with 0.43 on the day so far with light steady rain.
  4. You cut and pasted that response from last year admit it Ralph
  5. I'm in Anaheim March 3rd through the 7th so if we can avoid those dates it would be much appreciated....k...thanks
  6. Looks like everything shifted south with the rain...it sure doesn't look like an all day washout to me. 0.06 so far
  7. down to 27 this morning was 31 when i woke up but dropped just before sunrise
  8. Poor Chuck, his one or two runs of the GFS led him astray on his warm call
  9. Man i looked up and it was 59 degrees out...winds not crazy yet but definitely noticeable. If it's going to rain i hope it's alot on Friday
  10. I suspect even with the warmer temps and the rain some of the snow on the north facing and sheltered areas might survive. This has been one of the more impressive runs of snow cover that i can recall even the massive snow in 2016 and if i recall in 09-10 seemed to melt and be gone quicker than this. The cold performed in my eyes around my house.
  11. Below freezing again 30.0
  12. Got up to 50 today with lots of melting. My grass looks a bit disheveled
  13. Don't you have a grandson who can help you lol
  14. There's a reason Dan Quinn choked away a 28-3 lead in the super bowl
  15. 30 years of shit and one year of good and all of the sudden Washington fans are cocky again. No wonder i never loved the home teams despite living here my whole life lol
  16. Hey look below freezing again 28.8
  17. It's a weird snow melt, it's not melting like frosty the snowman in the sun it's basically just slowly contracting, there really isn't much wet out there right now. This stuff has been part of the landscape for 3 weeks now it's just gonna slowly fade away i guess
  18. The conspiracy theory narrative around the chiefs is comical at best to me. We had an entire thread on the Washington Philly game yesterday complaining about the refs and how that game was rigged, not to mention every other fan saying the same thing when their team loses a game in any sport. Are there some close questionable calls....certainly but as with anything in life if there's a choice to give the call to someone who has proven to be successful over a long period of time vs someone who recently stopped eating their own boogers i'm pretty sure the call will go for the successful team. Moral of my rant....stop eating your boogers and be successful for awhile so you can start getting the calls your way.
  19. 17.6 another frosty morning before we melt.
  20. 28.2 hard to believe on this day last year we hit 80
  21. My guy just nailed the Anthem again...he should do it every game
  22. I mean the Vikings never gave up a double nickle in the playoffs lol...still i think you have a real stud in Daniels though
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