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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. Anything falling out there...radar seemed to blossom this morning
  2. There have been various model runs from all of them showing anything from suppressed to flush hit to north personally I still think all options are on the table but maybe the suppressed option has diminished more than the other two. I'll probably still drive to north jersey to be safe lol
  3. I always root harder when the season is coming to a close plus my annual work trip out west...I want to get as much as possible before then. Hey at least psu and mitch look to score
  4. Weather53 is gonna have a field day
  5. Most homes put the bar in the basement you put yours on the roof lol dude we probably aren't getting a foot out of this try and level set a bit. Remember I know where you live if you cant stay calm I'm dropping a flaming bag of dog poo on your porch
  6. You might want to take a break you're about to get overly emotional and that's saying something for you
  7. Hard to tell at this point since it's only Wednesday but it's definitely a different vibe this morning especially for our southern friends and even our close in southern burbs. #dontbelieveensembles
  8. That's a pretty dramatic jump north from 0z long way to go but if I recall we were always walking the line of where the boundary sets up. I'm not sure that's been determined yet but I'm guessing down by North Carolina is the least likely for now.
  9. Not the most pleasant of reads in the long range thread. As usual people tend to want to push their angst and worry onto others...I know its just a coping mechanism but it's definitely tiresome after awhile. It's only Wednesday so honestly who the f knows what the final solution is
  10. So what is the purpose of the ensembles and op runs if they end up being way off here? I mean how much agreement is needed at this point
  11. Man it sure would be nice to get another one of these. Maybe we can be friends again.
  12. Outside of the actual snow falling this is the next best thing and why many of us have been on this dang site for so many years. Hoping we get it good next week! Digital blue is probably the only thing i agree with Ji on
  13. Based on Randy's pbp i thought it would be more. Dudes having a rough one
  14. There was a time not too long ago where a map like that at this range would have PSU drooling
  15. You can cut the tension with a butter knife in the long range thread. Ji wants to crack but he has his fan club watching him. A few others are getting super antsy. If 18z is ugly somebody is going to crack
  16. somebody will still bust their ass though
  17. Prepare yourself for a personal message from Stormtracker
  18. Where is the money on who panics first after the next crappy model run?
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