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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. Adjusted odds 3-6" 44% Boom 4-8" 26% Bust C-1" 15% Just my luck 0" 15%
  2. I have a work trip I've been debating whether to cancel or not
  3. The GFS was never enthused with this event.
  4. Remember when this was one wave then it started showing snow on Monday then switched to Tuesday then a wed/Thursday slug looks like we're morphing into a weak wave one then a strong 2?? Who the F knows
  5. 30.9 a little slick on the driveway
  6. It's a battle of the multiple paragraphs! Taking forever to scroll this page
  7. I'd imagine the whisperer will be screaming
  8. GFS nailed mby for today for what it's worth
  9. 4" on this one 7+" on the gfs for mby...not mad
  10. It's about to cut throat up in here everyone put on your big boy and girl undies
  11. I'm thinking Aldie on south deserve this one but that's just me
  12. Looks like I'm driving to north jersey on Tuesday
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