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About wxslug

  • Birthday 12/25/1974

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Statesville, NC

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  1. I’ve been on this forum for a long time (the 25th will make 14 years) and rarely post, but it seems this place has almost become a dumpster fire of whining, complaining, and just plain childishness. In a storm thread in years past I was able to learn, whether it actually snowed or not, and got to read a lot of good analysis. All the ridiculous, off-topic comments used to be relegated to a dedicated banter thread and there was actual moderation. It’s like the mods and admin just gave up. Ok, got that off my chest, and that’ll do it for my approximately two posts per year. Maybe next year professionalism will become the norm again.
  2. Good to see my little StatesVegas represented! I’ve enjoyed reading the informative posts in this thread (a much welcome change from the clutter here the past few days). I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings! Sorry my one yearly post is banter, but the analysis is always welcome, especially for someone like me who isn’t so swift in these things but enjoys it. Carry on.
  3. I live in Statesville and can say it’s been extremely mild compared to anything west of Hickory. If you have the ability to come, I would strongly recommend it.
  4. Y’know…I literally only post about once per year, usually during winter because I like reading the very informative posts. It’s become rather discouraging to see not only childish posting but also the absolute banality of those whining because it’s another winter with little/no snow. Either way, it’s weather and worth tracking. We don’t always get what we want. So what?
  5. Exactly. Those type comments add absolutely nothing of benefit to the thread. I rarely post here and I come here to learn as much as I can, so to see dickish comments like he made are discouraging. Anyway, there's my (likely) one post of the year. Carry on, fine people.
  6. Same. And that’s coming from someone who has posted only a handful of times in about 10 years. I like to read and learn.
  7. Hey Mabe! Good to see you post. Currently in Charlotte with some light rain/snow mix, current temp showing 36.
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