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Everything posted by H2Otown_WX

  1. Does anyone know which model verified the QPF best? I guess it's difficult to tell since everyone had varying ratios.
  2. I actually had the exact opposite happen. Car top was about an inch less than the grass...I averaged the two hedging slightly toward the grass since it was a depth measurement several hours after the snow had ended.
  3. @The 4 Seasons I'll go with 3.2" as my storm total. It was only 2.6" on my car but I'm thinking it may not have stuck initially and or some blew off from the high winds. The depth in my grass was around 3.5"
  4. May have spoke too soon, radar filling back in. I doubt it will add up to much more but maybe I can at least get over 3":
  5. Probably won't crack 4" here, disappointing but we overperformed all winter so this was bound to happen. Congrats eastern peeps.
  6. Yeah, "well into February" at 12z on the 2nd.
  7. Yeah I noticed the intensity decrease here in the last few frames probably owing to how disorganized this "storm" is EDIT: Actually looks like some subsidence sucker hole sh*t
  8. BOX is the best office in the area. I can't comment on GYX or BTV but I know OceanStWx is a good forecaster for the former.
  9. You'll find that Albany, for lack of a better word...sucks. Also they will cherry pick totals to come closer to forecast verification. I flipped out about it a decade or so ago and they banned me from their FB page lmao.
  10. GFS trying for something on Friday but doesn't quite pull it off. That period definitely bears watching though, powderkeg pattern.
  11. Hmmm, probably won't be enough for most of our subforum but maybe southeastern areas will cash in
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