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Everything posted by H2Otown_WX

  1. Dewd, clear out your inbox

  2. Didn't March have a bunch of nice events that year? I gotta find my weenie snow journal from when I was a kid.
  3. Ok that's actually a really interesting point about the PNA being west based I never considered that. It's fascinating how the EPO and PNA overlap and affect each other similar to the NAO/AO I guess on the other side.
  4. The good old days of the NWS mosaic radar
  5. We would have a great month if the EPO were positive (or maybe like neutral?) and the PNA negative I feel, given the configuration of the Atlantic.
  6. Good hit on the Euro for the 2nd but we all know the caveats of day 11 OP outputs. The GFS is pure 1980s with rain south of the pike and some ice along and north of it then back to cold and dry. Anyway, not worth talking about at this range but there's nothing else to look at lol
  7. That's funny because almost 30 years later for the January 2011 blizzard was the last time I had a full head of hair at the same age Edit: I guess the better comparison for your area would be Boxing Day
  8. You're pretty hard on yourself man. You schooled professional forecasters.. 5-8 vs 4-7 be damned.
  9. Haha, that actually is a remarkable jet speed though. Guess that helped with the southern snowstorm we're also ecstatic about.
  10. You don't think you'll clear out after 06z?
  11. This is what we've reduced our excitement to...Winter 2024-25 rolls on
  12. Then we just need Ray's SSW to show up and save the day in March and salvage the winter with an '88 redux. Should be easy to do if New Orleans can get a foot.
  13. The Euro had one in clown range yesterday off to our west and southwest but, doubt it will come to pass. We'll probably freeze our asses off right through March. Edit: Actually the Euro has us warming up at the end of the 12z run today so maybe it's on to something? Shows a high close to 50 on the 4th lol
  14. Well, congrats on exceeding most of SNE seasonal totals at 30N.
  15. I remember how dry 01-02 was. I think 05 had a really dry summer but then the fall went nuts with tropical remnants in October.
  16. How could BDL be +3.4F departure but BOS is -0.5F? Really wish they would fix the temperature sensor at BDL.
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